Proto | 88 Ames St | Kendall Square | Cambridge

Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Crane being jumped
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Anyone know what’s happening to the ground floor at 1 Broadway ?
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

i'll stick my neck out; good one that could have, and maybe should have been a great one; It's well past the time for a residence tower pushing 450~480' with (of course) the same #of parking spaces. This was the time and place to do it.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

I like this a lot. It has your general "Boston grey precast" cladding, but the way it is being used looks very good. This just goes to show that its not all about materials but how you use them.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

^^^Great pics! This is really starting to show its height in the area. The sharp corner is especially welcome

The webcam seems to be having its issues, but they also shifted it up a tad. Holy moly to the skyline view!
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

It has your general "Boston grey precast" cladding, but the way it is being used looks very good.

Agreed. It's all about them strongly articulated verticals and horizontals.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Agreed. It's all about them strongly articulated verticals and horizontals.

So much better of a statement than the old Cambridge Center architecture it is glued onto.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Yea the vertical lines make this. None of that double din window crap either. On very short buildings it looks good like that lab in northpoint but on towers it looks horrendous. Bullet. Dodged.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

It's a beautiful building that should have gone taller and become the crowned jewel of Cambridge.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Really should have. This design could have held its own as the tallest.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Isn't zoning for this location 300' for residential buildings? If so, that would have allowed for another 4 floors based off the current floor-to-ceiling height for residential levels in this building.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

This thing is getting to be very visible from Storrow. It looks like it's going to be taller than the new building across the street (I dont/cant bother learning the names of the Kendall developments)?
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

This thing is getting to be very visible from Storrow. It looks like it's going to be taller than the new building across the street (I dont/cant bother learning the names of the Kendall developments)?

That's the Broad Institute (or, more specifically, it's more recent addition). The Broad is a world renown lab for genetics-related stuff, with affiliations to both Harvard and MIT. It operates, however, as an independent entity.

My guess is the two will be of very similar height once done. Pretty sure standard cambridge zoning is 250', and I don't recall the Ames St. project contesting that...

I agree a few more floors here would have been appropriate in housing-starved kendall. I have deferred such hopes to the Volpe site very close by...
