There could be a simple pad in place by September
Be interesting to see if the site flys with the FAA. It is really close to the approach/departure lane for Runway 9-27 at Logan (official airspace lane almost touches the end of the pier!). Airspace height restriction looks to be 150 ft. Doesn't give much helicopter maneuvering room.
Gonna suck for concertgoers in the middle of a show at the Pavilion, too.
So I assume they need to have a community meeting with the residents on that side of the seaport? Two park lane buildings plus another few hundred units about to be built right there. If Fort Point can oppose this, they should have the same rights.
My guess is that this was probably on their official checklist for selecting a new site and someone threw it into the Boston package for the sake of process simplicity .... checking the boxes.
Boston Globe said:City and state officials are reopening the search for a helipad location in Boston after hearing concerns about their proposal to install one at the pier behind the Blue Hills Bank Pavilion.
The state Department of Transportation had previously narrowed the search down to the area around the city-owned pier, known as Dry Dock 4. But that plan drew opposition from critics, including Live Nation executive Don Law and Legal Sea Foods CEO Roger Berkowitz, at a hearing held last week by a task force studying the helipad issue. The task force was supposed to hold a second hearing on Monday, but that one was postponed indefinitely.
This could be turned into a helipad for close to nothing.