Quincy City Hall Renovations


Active Member
Dec 29, 2007
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The first photo looks like a trashed version of the "Parks & Recreation" set. Heh.
The first photo looks like a trashed version of the "Parks & Recreation" set. Heh.

That renovation was in 1997 and cost millions. I was so pissed when I went in there and saw all that damage. I used to work at City Hall for 2 years and still have a ton of contacts there thats how I got in.
But yeah when I saw this place was pretty depressing.

But it does need to be re-done and safe for the workers.

I didn't realize only 17 full time employees work in there.

So the deal is they are going to have a "Great Hall" upstairs which will take up the whole second floor as it was originally used as.

Downstairs will be 2 or 3 conference rooms for various depts to have conferences I guess. And the basement will be a musuem which makes sense. Should be cool when it opens back up in a few years.
