Bob, that seems to be an interesting idea. My main idea for the Green line is to consolidate it into the most effective route. I guess basically to get rid of its branching nature. I suppose back in the day it seemed perfectly fine and convenient to have it everything branch out after Kenmore (and Copley) during a time before sprawl and suburbanization, but what I'm thinking is that it doesn't seem as effective today and definitely not so compared to other cities or even other lines within the MBTA itself.
Everyone I know that has had to use the D Line praises it on its speed, of course it has it's own ROW. I think that speed should be built upon and with an increased capacity within the trains on that line, I think it could become a much more effective line.
I guess the whole reason I thought this was because after living in Montreal for a bit, where the Metro is waaaay faster than anything the T has, I wondered why the Green Line (especially) always has to stop what seems to be always, between stations underground. I'm sure it's for safety reasons, but I bet also because of the way all the lines "bottleneck" downtown, there needs to be extra precaution taken in regards to the movement of all B,C,D, and E lines. If it were one single D Line down there, I would imagine the trains would not have to stop mid-tunnel as there could be more space between them. And if they are longer, and more frequent, I think that that single Green Line could accommodate passengers transferring from the green trams at Kenmore.
I wasn't sure if I should throw this in the Reasonable or Crazy Pitch category. I think some of these ideas are reasonable, but maybe they're all crazy because of the fact that they are pitches at all. Is there a way to move these posts?