I am exited about the changes. I don't think every area of the city needs to have a residential component. Public transit works only if there is a core of high density office space that is accessible by multiple, and preferably all, transit lines so that people can commute there from neighborhoods that are served by only one transit line. If you build an office at say, Wellington than it will be convenient only for people who live on the Orange line. Building the Urban ring will allow more diffusion of the office district but honestly the urban ring will probably never happen. Therefor we must look to downtown to take on as much of the bulk of new office construction as possible. Having residents of expensive condo's downtown will impede this. First off they likely oppose future high rise construction down town. Second office density is much higher than high end residential density. What is the need to make downtown a 24 hour neighborhood? We ready have 24 hour neighborhoods in Boston and it is to these and underutilized former industrial sites served by single transit lines that we should promote new residential construction.