Ah, I see--good clarification.
I don't doubt this is a significant transportation issue in its own right; however, when you're talking about Washington St. overall from Stuart/Kneeland north to DTX, the issues involving theater crowds at the West/Ave de Lafayette corner, and the Silver Line buses frequently causing jam-ups at Temple Pl. as they get L-hooked at the turn, idling, compounded with the fact the of pedestrian zone (starting at Temple Pl. intersection) being, well, still stuck in its 1979 regulatory environment, seems to be of radically greater import than this.
[Oh, and that Tremont St., paralleling the whole time one block away, is still preposterously over-wide like some kind of half-assed drag-strip, and all the unpleasantness that leads to.]
The plan was for a protected bike lane on the left and a red dedicated bus lane on the right that would extend to Ave de Lafayette.