Nice post, Justin. You bring up some good points.
I get where Briv and Statler are coming from. I've participated in some forums that are borderline militaristic in their moderation (no language, likes to "competitors," insulting other forum members, etc.) and it's infuriating and takes away from real discussion. One great thing about AB is that there's none of that. "Trolls" have been allowed because banning opposing viewpoints makes conversation homogeneous which makes it dull. Not banning Rif keeps in line with that precedent.
At the same time, Rif is one of the longer tenured "trolls" (I use it loosely because he really seems to believe the crap he posts) I've seen on this or any other forum. The worst I can think of here before Rif is Ned Flaherty who, in spite of his unrelenting, lengthy rants on the impending doom- due to the particles- of everyone who came into contact with Columbus Center, at least went away when that project died. There have been some others: APOM (aka BOS>NYC!!!) was difficult, but he's presumably in a "better" place (highrise in the Loop), and TikiNYC was annoying, but harmless. BostonBred is delightful, imho. But Rif is frustrating for his sheer longevity and his uncanny ability to turn anything into a political diatribe about how Boston and Massachusetts are CORRUPT and raping TAXPAYERS. I can tolerate a level of ill-informed conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but it's getting to the point that he's derailing almost everything. I'm normally not too annoyed by anyone, but I'm leaning towards "bye."