City Announces Selection of Rutherford Avenue Surface Option Design
After the completion of a thorough and lengthy community process, and in cooperation with the residents of Charlestown, the City of Boston has announced its decision to select the Rutherford Avenue Surface Option Design Plan. The next step toward rebuilding Rutherford Avenue is a comprehensive community process to reach consensus on a final design. That process will commence later in 2013.
“In partnership with the Charlestowncommunity, we’re working to transform Rutherford Avenue from a highway to a neighborhood-friendly, urban boulevard,” Mayor Thomas M. Menino said. “Residents will be able to take advantage of new connections to the MBTAOrange Line, new greenspace for children to play, and safe access to theCharles River. The new Rutherford Avenue will offer these and countless other opportunities to enhance quality of life for the people ofCharlestown.”
In February 2010,Charlestown residents and the City of Boston Transportation Department completed an 18 month-long community process to come to a consensus on a new design forRutherford Avenue that would include the reconfiguration of Sullivan Square. At the conclusion of this process the Charlestown Neighborhood Council voted in favor of the plan. During the 18 month period, as well as another two and a half year review period, BTD made presentations at 10 well-attended community meetings and at another 20 briefings to community groups, elected officials and advocacy groups. The final decision to move forward with the surface option design plan was made only at the conclusion of this extensive process.
The key benefits of the new design for Rutherford Avenueinclude the following.
Safe pedestrian crossings and connections between the neighborhood andMBTA Orange Line stations.
50 feet of green, open space to serve as a buffer between traffic and neighborhood homes.
Parcels for new housing atSullivan Square.
The connection of theMystic River waterfront to the Charles River.
The elimination of underpasses at Austin Street and at Sullivan Square, and the introduction of conventional surface streets with signalized intersections to manage traffic flow.
The inclusion of enough traffic lanes to continue to provide for smooth traffic flow and protect Charlestown from cut-through traffic.
The extension ofSpice Street to Rutherford Avenueto allow forCambridge Street traffic to bypass the rotary area.
The current Rutherford Avenue concept design was funded by the City ofBoston. BTD is now moving forward to secure $11.5 million in federal funding that has been earmarked for the final design and environmental review.
“BTD appreciates the input and assistance that we have received from local residents and elected officials on this project,” said BTD Commissioner Thomas J. Tinlin. “We look forward to continuing our work with them through the final design process and the completion of construction on the new Rutherford Avenue.”
For more information on the Rutherford Avenue Surface Option Design Plan, please visit