Seaport Sq. Block N | 350 Summer Street | Seaport

350 Summer has now joined 400 in at least clearing the ground floor --
Didn't expect to see WPI there.
Boston Projects location for IQPs (Juniors) and MQPs. (Seniors). I can't remember if it was specifically open when I was a student but I do remember people doing projects in Boston back then.
is the second crane in place specifically to span the Pier 4 Blvd and Haul Road portion of the construction?
Seems like the west parcel here hasn't moved in a couple of months, steel supply issues maybe?
Seems like the west parcel here hasn't moved in a couple of months, steel supply issues maybe?

It wasn't supposed to, as they currently don't have a tenant signed on, at least to the public's knowledge. Presumably, to save time and costs, they combined the foundation/garage work for both parcels and the west parcel is winterproofed until a tenant is signed.

Upthread it was mentioned that a tenant has recently signed on for a good amount of money (yet to be confirmed), so we may soon see it rising.
Interesting thing about that "wall" effect from Congress is that you won't see it at all when the other building is done. That's why the facade is different, IIRC.

Also, I'm pretty sure this building is Parcel P. Parcel N is still in site prep.

oops! I’ll delete and repost on the right thread…
