What amazes me is that the Silver Line Washington St still sees the highest intensity of use of any bus in the system. The demand is really there. It's criminal that true and proper signal priority hasn't been installed.
I wouldn't be envious of Hubway for its money. It was funded primarily through a federal grant, and there's evidence from other bike-share programs that they are remarkably self-sustaining. I think the Washington D.C. one was recovering 98% of its costs. Plus it fills in gaps nicely.
Buying a few buses might help a little, but it won't pay for the real heavy costs of running buses: labor.
I wouldn't be envious of Hubway for its money. It was funded primarily through a federal grant, and there's evidence from other bike-share programs that they are remarkably self-sustaining. I think the Washington D.C. one was recovering 98% of its costs. Plus it fills in gaps nicely.
Buying a few buses might help a little, but it won't pay for the real heavy costs of running buses: labor.