Somernova Campus | Duck Village | Somerville


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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All credit to @Dr. Rosen Rosen , but this is it's own discussion. It's 2MSF of development. - download the pdf





Holy cow! Massive investment by Somernova.
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I can’t see how they build this and not extend the GLX to Park St and Porter. It’s sort of the elephant in their presentation.

In the meantime, more screen shots:










The development as proposed makes no provision for a Green Line station, though, were one to be built at Park Street (as opposed to the Sacramento Street underpass).
Remarkable amount of talk about climate resilience, mode shifting, bike and pedestrian transport, while underscored by a design that's going to still include over 1200 parking spaces, as quoted. If union square is built up as proposed (between this and USQ) , there needs to be a titanic amount of mode shift towards biking and walking and likely a concerted effort to increase transportation access via GLX to Porter. I just physically can't see it working if we're only driving more automobile traffic through the area.
It feels like adding a couple stops on the Fitchburg line and buying some DMUs would be a lot easier than another green line extension. This project does look great otherwise
Yikes. Architecturally it's an improvement, but the lack of residential is problematic. How is that even possible? And while I understand the current buildings underutilize valuable urban space, I've always had a fondness for that Properzi Way/Tyler St. corner. It's surprisingly active in spite of being off of the beaten path and not aesthetically appealing.
Housing probably has issues penciling out, given the affordability requirements and the general NIMBY position on housing. Tangentially, I think the Star on Beacon slated for housing, so they may be hoping to avoid the issue.
I have a feeling Somerville wants more commercial business. They've been missing out on what Cambridge has been reaping from Kendall's commercial tax base.

I know, not to say we need housing - but cities have incentive to push for and appreciate commercial when it comes. It's likely easier for a developer to get on a city's good side with it, and definitely pencils out better in the current market.
Everyone wants to play beggar thy neighbor with commercial dev. It's ridiculous, decentralizing jobs, and it's not like Somerville has high property taxes. That Cambridge is a NIMBY tax cheat profiting off of Kendall while building next to no infill housing and having ludicrous rents that keep it very rich (and not needing to spend money) is not something that should be imitated.
Didn't review in detail, but pride of authorship is notably absent...or muted; was this work commissioned? It comes across as a student project
That Cambridge is a NIMBY tax cheat profiting off of Kendall while building next to no infill housing and having ludicrous rents that keep it very rich (and not needing to spend money) is not something that should be imitated.

Somerville is a LONG way off from “imitating” Cambridge in this regard. 65% of Cambridge’s property taxes are paid by commercial entities. Somerville’s number is closer to 16%.
Public serve announcement :

From Ward councilman, JT Scott:
As I’ve said since running back in 2017, zoning changes in the Ward deserve more input than the 2 minutes of “public comment” at a Planning Board meeting. You’ve come to expect it, and it’s what I want even after I leave this role. As part of that commitment, I’ll be hosting a Neighborhood Meeting THIS MONDAY at 7pm about a proposed change to zoning at the old Ames Envelope complex off Somerville Ave – now home to Aeronaut Brewing, Bouldering Project, and a whole lot more.

This meeting will be held live and in person at 15 Properzi Way, inside the complex itself, and you’ve probably seen a flyer on your door or on your block about it. But if you’re just breaking your fast or otherwise unable to make it down in person, I’m also trying (for the first time!) to host a big neighborhood meeting in a hybrid format. The goal will be to get everyone’s voice in the room, and have a recording for posterity’s sake as well… and hopefully be another step in generating a plan for development that puts the needs of the neighborhood ahead of everything else.

To participate, just show up!
To learn more about the proposal, check out:
To register for the online meeting:
The development as proposed makes no provision for a Green Line station, though, were one to be built at Park Street (as opposed to the Sacramento Street underpass).

Somernova is a pretty tight fit - only ~50 foot wide existing ROW. Would absolutely require the developer to sell property to the MBTA. Is this even the right spot, or just a quarter mile away at Somerville-owned Conway Park/Vet's rink, which is also where the ROW extends to ~75 feet wide?
I have a feeling Somerville wants more commercial business. They've been missing out on what Cambridge has been reaping from Kendall's commercial tax base.

I know, not to say we need housing - but cities have incentive to push for and appreciate commercial when it comes. It's likely easier for a developer to get on a city's good side with it, and definitely pencils out better in the current market.

Camberville should rip off the band aid and merge. Quick and straightforward way of evening out the financials.

Somernova is a pretty tight fit - only ~50 foot wide existing ROW. Would absolutely require the developer to sell property to the MBTA. Is this even the right spot, or just a quarter mile away at Somerville-owned Conway Park/Vet's rink, which is also where the ROW extends to ~75 feet wide?
View attachment 43036
Park St. would get a road-over-rail grade crossing elimination if GLX-Porter ever happened; the traffic volumes on that street are simply too high to have an LRT crossing there. Therefore the likeliest place for a stop is going to be at Conway Park, which already has a fat walkway direct to Somerville Ave. along with ample room for the station. Though a station there could well have a ramp up to the new Park St. overpass. It's very unlikely to ever be on the Park-Dane block as there's just not enough width to squeeze station facilities. If this developer wanted it there they'd have to be baking in the width allowances right up front, which the renders don't show.

So yes...a one block-adjacent station is 100% feasible and well within their purview to advocate for. It's just not likely to be right directly at their front door.
