Somerville Zoning Changes


Senior Member
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score

“Parking maximums, bike storage requirements, bonuses for going denser on large lots.”

Is there another thread on this? (Sorry if there is!)

My primary complaint is that Davis Square got knocked down to 4 stories instead of mostly 6. It is just going to stay 1 story for another generation, while the rest of Somerville booms.

Also the Star Market on Beacon is zoned for "Fabrication" even though there was just a proposal for mixed-use residential and grocery on the site. We are going to be seeing applications for variances on day 2. Fabrication space is defined as:

"The Fabrication district is characterized by moderate to large floorplate buildings up to four (4) stories in height. Buildings are set close to the sidewalk to create a defined street wall that supports pedestrian activity and a sense of place. The district is entirely commercial with buildings typically designed or retrofitted to support multiple tenants "
