Something about Apple?

Suffolk 83

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Better yet, we should turn the apple store into a giant vent building.
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

^ Did Steve Jobs piss in your Post Toasties?
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

^ Did Steve Jobs piss in your Post Toasties?

No I'm forever scarred by my Mac back in the day. Plus I hate the nerdy fanboys and their beating of the apple drum over and over. Not like Microsoft is better(its worse) but Jobs' attempts at establishing a monopoly on ipods is disgusting. yea yea I know wrong thread/off topic.
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

Monopoly on iPods? Of course, they're making it, its not like Sandisk makes Zunes or anything (or any company besides microsoft). Maybe you mean monopoly on digital media players, and that's because people choose them, not because they're forced to. Yes some players have more features, but people choose iPods because they want to, and 1 model is the best in its class (iPod touch) and the others are easy to use and have enough features and storage capacity to please their targe markets (nano and classic, shuffle is just cheap, that's why people buy it).

I don't prefer macs over XP, but over vista, definately. Anyway I don't need a new computer soon, and if vista doesn't improve soon I'll just get a mac since XP would be ancient by then (1-2 years or soon I'll probably buy a new comp, mines is from 2003 now).
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

whatever...Anyway if I was a real fanboy, my phone would be an iPhone, my computer would be a mac, I would use Apple TV instead of comcast, I would use AirPort instead of my cheap D-Link router, etc...The only apple product I have is a cheap iPod nano 4GB.
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

Don't forget the poster of Steve Jobs you would have hanging over your MacBook
Re: Intercontinental Hotel

whatever...Anyway if I was a real fanboy, my phone would be an iPhone, my computer would be a mac, I would use Apple TV instead of comcast, I would use AirPort instead of my cheap D-Link router, etc...The only apple product I have is a cheap iPod nano 4GB.

I guess I'm an apple fan boy then. Why the hell would I pay 160$ / month on CONcast. Please. Especially considering there is also Hulu and a wealth of other up and coming online TV databases with HD programming and its free.
