
i liked it because everyone expected something and then it is left up to your imagination!
Wow, just wow.
It def. wasn't what I expected lol

Damn I am gonna miss that show :cry:
What do you think of the bullet in the back of the head sudden black theory?
I thought it was disappointing to be honest. I was really let down. I'm not one of those people who wanted everyone killed off, or anything like that either (before someone asks), but I wanted SOMETHING to happen. Either Tony goes to jail, or Paulie ends up being a rat, something that makes it worthwhile for people who watched all 86 episodes.

PerfectHandle said:
What do you think of the bullet in the back of the head sudden black theory?

I don't buy it. Who shot him? The guy at the counter went into the bathroom, the two black guys were in front of him, so unless someone was behind him we didn't see...I'm not buying it.

People were talking theories all day and maybe that's what Chase (the creator/head writer) wanted. I heard everything from those two black guys at the front of the store got in a fight with Tony before, and that the guy at the counter was Phil's nephew. These were disproven because when Tony got into it with the black guys, he shot one in the head and the guy who was at the counter was never in the credits before (heard these on the radio) so who knows.
Yeah, i have heard so many theorys. One was that one of the guys was a terrorist and that it was a suicide bomb. That stemmed from the fact that this season dabbled in terrorism.

This is what i was saying why i liked the ending. Soo many possibility's. I bet chase is laughing his ass off right now. I wonder just how many people thought their cable boxes were broken.
For me, despite the fact that Phil dies, the emphasis of the last show was on the quotidian. It was just another day or two for a crime family. Especially in the last few moments, the directors focused on simple trite things like the onion rings, or Meadow's difficulty parking. All of a sudden things that were normally overlooked were the focus, which leads me to believe that they would all live ordinary lives - as a crime family.
Ya the ending was actually really good if you think about it, and really examine the meaning behind it. I personally like it lol and as for the people thinking their cables boxes went are correct, my mom panickly yelled at my dad cause she thought he sat on the clicker and turned it off. lol
TheBostonBoy said:
as for the people thinking their cables boxes went are correct, my mom panickly yelled at my dad cause she thought he sat on the clicker and turned it off. lol

That's one of my biggest gripes with the ending. If you want to end it the way it ended, fine. I just don't get how you cut to a black screen before the credits, giving most of the viewers the feeling their cable went out. I thought that was so dumb, just cut to the credits or something.

By the way, Journey for the end song? Ugh.
Ya, that was annoying, but he purposely did that to make everyone watching say WTF?
And ya, I didn't really like their song choice for the end. Sopranos has the best music (I have the soundtracks) but I didn't like a Journey song for the end.
I never seen a minute of the Sopranos, but I've been reading a lot about the ending for some reason. Seems pretty cut and dry to me, based on the conversation Tony supposedly had with the other character about what happens when you die.
Plus I just read this about the music:
My opinion: Tony didn?t just get killed, kids; if you were watching closely, David Chase seems to have even given him a traces of a good Catholic funeral at the end.

Want your curiosity piqued? In Catholicism, the administration of the Eucharist to the dying is known as Viaticum, derived in part from the Latin word for? ?Journey.?

Ohh, doooon?t stop? belieeeeevin??
...reminds me of the theories that the onion rings Tony orders are coins for Charon to row his family across the River Styx.
