South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

According to the project update email today the tower work zone will be dismantled "later in February" and the pedestrian access to the platforms will shift to being under the new arches. "Old" access will then be closed off to renovate that side of the concourse.
Excellent! Hopefully they close off that open space above the old concourse where the old and new don't quite touch.
Excellent! Hopefully they close off that open space above the old concourse where the old and new don't quite touch.
It will need to be some very flexible covering means to close that off, given the highly dissimilar construction methods of the two sections. They are not environmentally moving in sync.
It will need to be some very flexible covering means to close that off, given the highly dissimilar construction methods of the two sections. They are not environmentally moving in sync.
A worker told me last year that they were going to. Maybe he did or didn't know the actual plan. If they don't it's a mistake (in my opinion). It would only take an awning type of structure from the tower to extend over the existing building, even it if didn't actually connect. Hopefully they do something like that.
A worker told me last year that they were going to. Maybe he did or didn't know the actual plan. If they don't it's a mistake (in my opinion). It would only take an awning type of structure from the tower to extend over the existing building, even it if didn't actually connect. Hopefully they do something like that.
I agree that they need to cover the gap -- as you indicate something connected to only the old building could work fine.
Cool video…hope these units get occupied quicker than I’m anticipating…which is extremely slowly.

Which gets occupied quicker the residences or the office space ? lol
The domes look great! I know there are diesel engines, but that big opening at the end is unfortunate. Hopefully there's a contingency plan to close it off at some point in the future when all the trains are electric.
Interesting you bring that up. I've been a little curious about maintenance/cleaning of said domes.
If you've ever looked up in an MBTA station you'd know these are a foreign idea to the T, but hopefully whatever maintenance/upkeep deal that was struck with the air rights developer leaves them on the hook for it.
Don't tell me you've forgotten about the boom lift that lives in Courthouse station and never goes anywhere else!
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