South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

They are counting South Station as an eight or nine story structure. Some other interesting facts from the final enviromental review of this project:

The construction timeline for phase one of this project (the tower) has been shortened from 39 months to 36 months

Proposals for this air rights project started in 1978

A large portion of the parking spaces in the garage will be reserved for van pools and other high occupancy vehicles

All proponents of this project will be conneceted by a "Sky Street

At one time or another the height of the proposed structure was over 1,000 ft which was reduced to 753 ft in 1998 and has since been reduced to its final height of 621 ft above ground level

These fun facts can all be found here:
I could be wrong but didn't the South Station Tower idea start in 1998 and its now 2007 and they still haven't started construction or I don't even know if it is even being built now. Look what Dubai has done in 17 years I know that they are 2 completely different cities and there are a lot of reasons why this happens in Boston. I'm just getting tired of hearing about all these projects (visions) that will probably never be built.
This actually shouldn't be too surprising considering that this is Boston.
I'm just saying that we will be talking about projects like 115 Federal St. (Winthrop Square) in another 10 years from now and it will still be just a vision and Dubai will have built 40 skyscrapers by then. I think Dubai looks amazing I know that callahan is not a fan.
Good for Dubai. Dubai is crass looking.
On a side not I would love to visit there someday.
Dubai is Le Corbusiers wet dream. If you want Boston to look like Dubai then eliminate all rules and reinstate urban renewal. That is totally the other side of the spectrum there. Not saying it's bad, just saying it ain't for Boston.
Arch21 said:
I could be wrong but didn't the South Station Tower idea start in 1998 and its now 2007 and they still haven't started construction or I don't even know if it is even being built now. Look what Dubai has done in 17 years I know that they are 2 completely different cities and there are a lot of reasons why this happens in Boston. I'm just getting tired of hearing about all these projects (visions) that will probably never be built.

I believe the south station project was resurrected in 1998. The idea had already been around since the '80's and was shelved during the economic slowdown of the early ninety's.
^yes, even the hines website has been updated and says so
So yeah, this is cool. Maybe the big lit-up section on the top of the new design could go up higher. Stagger it? I don't know. Anyways, I'm new, so if anyone wouldn't mind telling me what a NIMBY is...?
N.I.M.B.Y. stands for "Not In My Backyard". That phrase refers to the attitude of some individuals who want, say, a prison, but not near their home or neighborhood. In Boston's case it refers to the individuals who fight against developments near them.

Is this an accurate definition fellow board members?
As a life-long resident of East Boston, I'll cop to being a NIMBY on the proposed center-field taxiway at Logan, the unchecked expansion of airport related activities into satellite communities, or the construction of a diesel-fired powerplant on the shores of the Cheslea Creek...

However, if a developer wanted to build 5,000 units of market-rate housing at Suffolk Downs or other brown-field areas, I'd cheer!

I like to think of myself as an informed and appropriately vocal taxpayer, and hold the affluent, obstructionist South Enders who have likely killed Columbus Center in contempt...
ZenZen said:
N.I.M.B.Y. stands for "Not In My Backyard". That phrase refers to the attitude of some individuals who want, say, a prison, but not near there home or neighborhood. In Boston's case it refers to the individuals who fight against developments near them.

Is this an accurate definition fellow board members?

Spot on.
...though in the eleemosynary spirit of globalism, many NIMBYs are morphing ecumenically into BANANAs.

BANANA: Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone.
I took the train to NYC the other day and was told by a guy who lives in Fort Point that they are already picking contractors and starting electrical work on the SST site. Has anyone heard about the SST starting?
Has anyone seen this picture before?

What the hell happened? Where did this plump fatty come from? Each revision is worse than the last.
Ugh, I really don't like that cantilever they tacked on at the top.. makes it look incredibly top-heavy, which isn't exactly how a skyscraper should be (so much for setbacks and spires dissolving into the sky).

Go back to page 8 in this thread to see the floor plan shape of this sucker.
Aw crap! That design that they were going to build was great, in my opinion. This thing looks...bad. Unless they revert back to the older design, I am not for this building.
