Suburban Boston

Many more strollers are seen in city neighborhoods compared to 20 years ago, but unfortunately many of the middle class and upper middle class are still leaving when the kids get to be a bit older - grade school age.

Yes, if you are going to be separated from all your friends anyway you might as well have a fresh start in a public high school that going on to college is the norm, not for the lucky few.

I moved from Boston for a better job, a shorter commute and an affordable house big enough for 6 people. I chose Billerica because it was cheap compared to the towns around it and I thought that prices would rise as the town improved. It turned out to be a good investment- but only for this stage of my life. Wisely Billerica has built large amounts of senior housing in the center of town near shopping and the Senior Center so perhaps I will stay when this house no longer serves my purposes. More likely I will move back into the city because I do miss all the action, but for now I just don't wish to expose my child to the city's dark side. Although my fear is that he could become like many young privileged people who cannot understand how fortunate he is or appreciate the day-to-day struggle for survival that so much of our urban population face. Even worse he could become a Republican! ;)
I moved from Boston for a better job, a shorter commute and an affordable house big enough for 6 people.

I don't think anyone can argue with these reasons for settling in Billerica. And no one should be blamed for doing what they think is in the best interests of their children. But as a parent of 2 in Boston who has a child in the public schools, I think you may be overstating the academic benefits of moving to sububurban public school systems. Billerica schools are undoubtedly whiter and have a more affluent student body than any school in the Boston system, but I'm not sure the town's schools have a reputation that would cause me to move there if I truly wanted to stay in Boston (and you've identified three other important reasons for the move). Would I move to Newton, Brookline, Belmont, or even Arlington for the schools if I could afford to? Sure. But once people start leaving the city to commute in from the Weymouths, Billericas, Peabodys, and Framinghams saying its for the school systems, I think it's fair to start questioning whether the schools were really the reason they left.
The November 30 edition of the Globe Magazine will feature the prominent forums and web sites pertaining to this city. JimboJones gets a plug and so does Adam over at Universal Hub but not us...
Bad news for the forum.

...and I can understand why.
OK ... why?
But once people start leaving the city to commute in from the Weymouths, Billericas, Peabodys, and Framinghams saying its for the school systems, I think it's fair to start questioning whether the schools were really the reason they left.

Ouch! I never said anything about schools but I do have a two year old and I know what my friends in JP pay for decent day-care. I guess I agree because I'm not sure if I would want to send my son to Billerica High any different from my parents who didn't want me to go to Dot High.
Future MBTA gets a plug in this months Boston Magazine.
maybe this article that will most likely never get published will help our standing?
I know this is wildly off topic but can someone scan the pages from Boston Magazine that Scott is talking about? I don't get it down here :(
Yes I saw that in the Boston Magazine, very cool! Is that your exact one? I was a little confused about that.
On the topic of suburban sprawl:

Took the SAT today, and one of the reading passages was two articles with opposing viewpoints of sprawl.

The one against it basically argued everything we say here, was published in '03.

The argument for it, basically claimed that sprawl would be our children's cherished history, just as we today cherish the pre-war era, was published in '93.

Asked what the author of the 2nd article would say about the author of the 1st?

"elitist and shortsighted" is what i painfully bubbled in.
