Globe with a render of the building:
More lab space coming, this time at Suffolk Downs - The Boston Globe
The plans originally called for housing, but the developer wants to capitalize on the strong demand from life sciences
Ugh. You know what's really an unmet need, Tom? AFFORDABLE HOUSING. I know you claim to still be building it, but the "current market" isn't geared toward life science space alone - that's BS. The development community is addicted to lab buildings like crack, and every municipality wants a cut of the tax revenue, and it will be the underprivileged who suffer.
O'Brien said nothing about the current market being geared to life sciences "alone" . Last 3 paragraphs of the article:
"HYM plans to start work this year on two other buildings as well, a 44,000 square-foot office building and a 465-unit residential building. Indeed, a majority of the project’s 1.7 million-square-foot first phase will still be housing, as will much of the larger portion of the project that sits in Boston, where city officials have viewed Suffolk Downs as a once-in-a-generation chance to tackle the city’s housing shortage on a large scale.
O’Brien agrees, even if the current market is geared toward lab space.
“We committed to building 10,000 units of housing at Suffolk Downs,” he said. “We will find ways to do that.”
This doesn't sound like a turn away from housing at all in the grand scheme of things. In fact, it seems pretty smart. Maybe liven up the area first, get the roads and utilities up, then build the housing. I'm in the 'trust, but verify' mode at this point.