The award for Worst Prefab Exterior goes to...


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
The New Fiterman Hall in New York City.

Truly the finest example of what happens when there's a lack of pride, quality and vision for a building.

The exterior of the new Fiterman Hall manages to fail in absolutely every way - from the absurd windows to its crippling blank banality. As a whole, it resembles the worst office park architecture scaled-up for a dense urban setting. However, what really sets it apart and makes it an aesthetic disaster is the finer details and workmanship of the exterior. Or rather, the lack thereof.

The brick looks fake from a block away. Upon closer inspection, it looks positively cartoonish. The lack of variation between panels makes it appear as though each one was sloppily copied and pasted along the exterior.

The worst aspect is that joints between panels are absurdly obvious. This is compounded by the fact they don't actually fit alongside each another that well. Panels are warped, look ill-sized and sloppily slapped together. Easily one of the most glaring examples of cheapness and poor design in a major building that I've seen. I can't believe this was ever approved.

I'd really like to see some major advances in panel technology so that we can avoid the increasing use of materials that invoke something familiar, while betraying their true nature in glaring and distracting ways.
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Amazing that this building had stood as a ruin for over a decade (destroyed on 9/11) and after all that time, this is what they slap on it.

Then again, it kind of explains it all. It was a rush job as soon as the project was finally greenlighted.

The WTC rebuilding process has been barely adequate at best, so I'm not surprised nearby projects have slumped to the new standard.
