The 'Most Absurd Transit Pitch Ever' Thread


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Okay, things are screwed up in Portland. The Downeaster needs a reworking.

Right here there should be a double track running straight under US-1 and following Danforth St exactly from that point. When it reaches York St, it will follow the trajectory coming off of Danforth and ease into alignment with Fore St. It will then peel off Fore between India and Hancock. The tracks will then surface at the Main Narrow Gauge RR, on the Eastern Promenade.

An underground station (bundled with a relocated Portland Transportation Center) will utilize the parking lots around Fore St at Fore/Center/York:,-70.256174&spn=0.00255,0.005681

100% cut and cover.

Trains will then proceed north that way.
Okay, things are screwed up in Portland. The Downeaster needs a reworking.

Right here there should be a double track running straight under US-1 and following Danforth St exactly from that point. When it reaches York St, it will follow the trajectory coming off of Danforth and ease into alignment with Fore St. It will then peel off Fore between India and Hancock. The tracks will then surface at the Main Narrow Gauge RR, on the Eastern Promenade.

An underground station (bundled with a relocated Portland Transportation Center) will utilize the parking lots around Fore St at Fore/Center/York:,-70.256174&spn=0.00255,0.005681

100% cut and cover.

Trains will then proceed north that way.

Considering I drew that as a direct rebuttal of the guy suggesting utilizing the Turnpike's ROW to carry trains north out of the station and not a single one of the ways I suggested actually dealing with that double-reverse involve any tunneling whatsoever - nor did I at all suggest moving the station beyond a cursory 'this is outside the realm of workability' - I have no idea what you're trying to establish with this thread.

Well, actually, based on the thread title I can sort of maybe guess that you're trying to passive-aggressively mock me? Which is honestly cool, I'm cool with that, I'm a grown man and can deal with People Mocking Me On The Internet.

I can even deal with it in threads I've made! There was absolutely no need for this post.

So, really, what were you hoping to achieve with this?

I don't get it, what is wrong with the current track route?

It requires a double reverse-move to proceed north from Portland along the current Downeaster routing. Trains must first back out of the station onto the mainline, then pull forward along it - in essence, reversing direction twice.

This is a complicated maneuver that adds about 10 minutes onto total trip time. All things considered, it isn't THAT bad - especially considering that every way to eliminate it is absurdly impractical for various reasons, or doesn't actually eliminate both reverse moves - and only eliminating one of two reverse moves actually makes the problem worse.

We've been over this in the Portland Transportation Center thread, where I suggested a couple of ways to deal with this problem. Someone else asked "well, why not just run it along the Turnpike?" I drew a short little diagram/map of what a run along the Turnpike would look like (absurd) and why it was impractical.

Then, for whatever reason, BostonUrbEx decides to create this thread, which I'm guessing (based on the fact that all his google maps links inadvertently included my Turnpike Tunnel map and the title of this thread) was aimed at mocking me for my own absurd suggestions of dealing with the problem. Why he couldn't come straight out and say my suggestions were all stupid in the actual thread where I made those suggestions, I can't say.

Or maybe I've just had a little too much Christmas cheer-juice and I'm totally reading a bunch of passive-aggressive hostility that's not actually in his post.

It's one or the other.
It requires a double reverse-move to proceed north from Portland along the current Downeaster routing. Trains must first back out of the station onto the mainline, then pull forward along it - in essence, reversing direction twice.


Plus, my proposal puts a "Grand Central" in the heart of Portland. Can't imagine anything better for the city.
Then, for whatever reason, BostonUrbEx decides to create this thread, which I'm guessing (based on the fact that all his google maps links inadvertently included my Turnpike Tunnel map and the title of this thread) was aimed at mocking me for my own absurd suggestions of dealing with the problem. Why he couldn't come straight out and say my suggestions were all stupid in the actual thread where I made those suggestions, I can't say.

I don't get what you're saying... but I created this thread because it involves a complete boondoggle tunnel across nearly all of Portland and as I said in my previous post a "Grand Central" for Portland.

Uhm.... huh?!

I don't get what you're saying... but I created this thread because it involves a complete boondoggle tunnel across nearly all of Portland and as I said in my previous post a "Grand Central" for Portland.


WELL OKAY THEN! Sorry for assuming the worst.

In my defense, you did title this "The 'Most Absurd Transit Pitch Ever' Thread" and all three of your google maps links included an absurd line I drew on a map.

Coming to the conclusion that you were mocking me was perfectly rational.

Here, take some egg nog with my apologies.

Merry Christmas to all of you, and good night!
