I have to say, I miss the “Long D” option you posted earlier as it addressed my biggest pet peeve of the current map design. Namely: the failure to depict the “Reservoir Re-convergence” of the B, C, and D Lines.
While I generally agree that readability should be prioritized over geographic accuracy, I do think there is some value in depicting in some way that:
a) after diverging at Kenmore B, C, and D do not keep diverging into the suburbs as one might assume, but actually re-converge to within walking distance of one another near Cleveland Circle before the B and D diverge again
b) the D has much wider stop spacing (and thus runs faster)
Granted, I don’t think many people will be using this as a true walking transfer (i.e. getting off one GL train and walking over to another branch to resume their trip), but for trips that start or end near Reservoir/Cleveland Circle, it would clue someone in that they could choose to make their trip via a less intuitive branch to avoid either a transfer at Kenmore or a gap in the schedule, if they’re willing to walk a bit extra.
I don’t think it makes sense to clutter up the map by depicting every single possible walking transfer in the system, but I do think that it’s worthwhile to highlight some that are partially useful and/or unexpected.