Union Square D2.1 | 10 Prospect Street | Somerville

More power to 'em if they can land in a place that's near equilibrium (great handle) but gold rushes typically end up with someone holding the bag. Wouldn't be shocked if there are some holes in the ground out in Watertown or south of the city somewhere.
We’ve got some lab/office tenants in the upper floors. Interior buildout seems to just be kicking off as they were loading in framing and drywall material via the driveway on the west side of the building.
I thought they were building out some spec lab suites (e.g. Airbnb labs) for small startups as a placeholder until they can secure a real lease.
That will be USQ new office going up on 7th floor.
Really shows how low the demand for lab space has fallen if the developer is appropriating part of its brand new lab building for its own offices (which USQ currently leases in 31 Union Square). Sounds like they know they're not getting any lab tenants anytime soon, and would rather occupy that expensive, highly specialized square footage with their own offices (which certainly do not require an expensive, highly specialized building) in order to save a few bucks by getting rid of their 31 Union Square lease.
I am saying this hiding behind a wall and at a safe distance from Ab, but I don't like the way this building looks. It seems busy and the colors already look dated and it will not age well. Am I out of my mind?
At least it’s not bland. However, I do agree that it’s not quite hitting the mark that the developer was aiming for.
I am saying this hiding behind a wall and at a safe distance from Ab, but I don't like the way this building looks. It seems busy and the colors already look dated and it will not age well. Am I out of my mind?
From jump it looked llike something out of the late '60s/early '70s to me. As it ages and the patina takes on a more weather-worn quality, I suspect that'll be even more true.

So, to me, definitely looks "dated" and always has, but not "dated to 2023" IMO.
The color scheme comes from a study of local houses. These were the predominant shades. I expect that the residential structures in the area look similarly faded and out of date. So maybe this look is a happy accident worthy of bonus points.
I am saying this hiding behind a wall and at a safe distance from Ab, but I don't like the way this building looks. It seems busy and the colors already look dated and it will not age well. Am I out of my mind
If you don't like bacon, just tell us. /s

Yeah, especially for me, the shortest of the three buildings. The lab office building is fine because it is largely one monochromatic building. But, the shortest and tallest are visually cluttered in an unpleasant way. Worse when walking on Prospect St and less wven walking from the station toward the square.
I feel the exact opposite - I appreciate that they didn't go with yet another glass box. I find the "Bacon Building" and the little labs to be far less out of place than the Boynton Yards or Cambridge crossing monstrous boxes of glass that have no relation to their neighborhoods.

Is there a vantage point where this tower and the Cambridge courthouse conversion are in the same shot? Those are my way finding points right now when running across town.
I literally took a drive around the building today, looks substantially complete??
Starting with a green line drop off!


Activity space between the two buildings


Corner of Somerville and Prospect, sidewalk complete





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