Voting Discussion

Best completed development is Hub On Causeway phase 1 and it's not particularly close.
I was about to vote Quaker Lane because I like it more architecturally speaking. But it really doesn't have much of an urban impact and I can't imagine ever getting to see it up close. You could miss it if you weren't looking up.
Surprised to see Encore losing the worst development of the year. That thing is both ugly and something hard to ignore on the skyline. Vox on Two is gross neo-traditional kitsch developer modernism (don't hold me to that word garble) but at least it isn't visibly offensive to many people who don't live right near it.
Surprised to see Encore losing the worst development of the year. That thing is both ugly and something hard to ignore on the skyline. Vox on Two is gross neo-traditional kitsch developer modernism (don't hold me to that word garble) but at least it isn't visibly offensive to many people who don't live right near it.

A lot of people like the casino, especially as a piece of "skyline flair" off to the side. It also cleaned up an extremely polluted superfund site. Even if you don't bother going yourself, it's still pretty cool looking.

Vox on the other hand, has no visual appeal, and just adds to the gridlock in a traffic-wasteland of an area.
Surprised to see Encore losing the worst development of the year. That thing is both ugly and something hard to ignore on the skyline. Vox on Two is gross neo-traditional kitsch developer modernism (don't hold me to that word garble) but at least it isn't visibly offensive to many people who don't live right near it.

Architecturally, its pretty terrible and offensive, but this is where I kind of ran into predicaments while voting - its an architecture forum, so based on architecture alone, Encore is a contender for winning worst design, but when combining its economic impact and potential/future growth, it out-competes the other two in terms of a 'development.' Same with Hub on Causeway - the architecture is good/okay (there's definitely better architecture across the city), but overall as a 'development,' its a huge winner.
That was a bunch of fun to go through. Will be interested to see the results! If only someone could do a livestream awards show for it - I'd watch.
Personally had a really tough time deciding on the best infrastructure project. Was torn between the Red/Blue line connector, GL Transformation, NorthSouth Rail Link, and the City Hall Plaza renovations.
I feel like Regional Rail and NSRL should have gone together. Had a hard time picking between the 2.
A Sunday evening update on the vote talleys.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which building project was the best to be completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

So far Hub on Causeway Phase 1 is the clear front-runner with ~47%.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which building project was the worst to be completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 29 responses.

Vox on Two is running away with 62%

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the best building development proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Close race here with Parcel 12, One Congress, and One Kenmore Sq all in the mix. Parcel 12 is currently leading by a nose.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the worst building development proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Sparse category, but 53% so far agree that the Shreve Crump & Lowe replacement is a dog.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the best infrastructure project completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Lots of variety for this one. So far 28% like the new Esplanade footbridge to Charles Circle.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the worst infrastructure project completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

Fairly close contest between Wellington Circle and the South Boston Waterfront parking garage.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the best infrastructure project proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

Close race between Red-Blue, RUR, and NSLR.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the worst infrastructure project proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

Lots of variety here too. Right now a plurality hold the gondola in disdain.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which vacant/underutilized lot in 2019 is the most detrimental to the urban environment?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Close race here. Top Four are the Tremont Crossing parcel, Parcel 15, the Fenway Gulf Station, and the Cross St parking lot.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which is your favorite photo by an ArchBoston member taken in 2019?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

A lot of photo love to go around. Current Top 2 are Subdivisions' Red Line pic and mmssrro's Kenmore Sq teardown.

The charts for Halls of Fame and Shame are hard to read visually.

Current top vote-getters for Hall of Fame:
  • Emerald Necklace (9 Votes)
  • Prudential Tower (8 Votes)
  • Longfellow Bridge (8 Votes)
  • Massachusetts State House (8 Votes)
  • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (7 Votes)
Current top vote-getters for Hall of Shame:
  • South Station Post Office (18 Votes)
  • 862 Beacon (10 Votes)
  • MBTA Silver Line (9 Votes)
  • Cambridge Park Drive/Alewife (7 Votes)
Still more than two weeks left to vote!


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Another week down, another update!

Forms response chart. Question title: Which building project was the best to be completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 46 responses.

Fairly static race for Best Completed Development. Hub on Causeway continues to run away with it.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which building project was the worst to be completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 43 responses.

Same with Worst Completed Development. Vox on Two is holding onto its lead.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the best building development proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 46 responses.

Still close, but Parcel 12 continues to lead Best Proposed Development.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the worst building development proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 45 responses.

While it's tightened up a bit, the Shreve Crump & Lowe replacement is still leading Worst Proposed Development.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the best infrastructure project completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 46 responses.

The Esplanade Footbridge has maintained its lead for Best Completed Infrastructure.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the worst infrastructure project completed in 2019?. Number of responses: 44 responses.

We've moved into a tie between the SBWTC garage and the Wellington lane changes for Worst Completed Infrastructure.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the best infrastructure project proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 45 responses.

RUR has built slightly on its lead from last week for Best Proposed Infrastructure. Still close.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which was the worst infrastructure project proposed in 2019?. Number of responses: 45 responses.

Fairly static race for Worst Proposed Infrastructure, with the Gondola coming up worst.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which vacant/underutilized lot in 2019 is the most detrimental to the urban environment?. Number of responses: 46 responses.

The Tremont Crossing parcel has built on its lead from last week.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which is your favorite photo by an ArchBoston member taken in 2019?. Number of responses: 45 responses.

Subdivision's Red Line pic has built a considerable lead.

Current top vote-getters for Hall of Fame:
  • Longfellow Bridge (12 votes)
  • Emerald Necklace (11 votes)
  • Massachusetts State House (11 Votes)
  • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (11 Votes)
  • Zakim Bridge (10 votes)
  • Old State House (10 votes)
Current top vote-getters for Hall of Shame:
  • South Station Post Office (23 Votes)
  • 862 Beacon (18 Votes)
  • MBTA Silver Line (11 Votes)
  • Massachusetts Govt Services Center (11 Votes)
Still more than a week left to vote!
Reminder that there are three days of voting left in the archBoston Awards, so if you've been waiting or forgot... get your votes in ASAP!
