Walmart on US-1 Northbound in Saugus


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Walmart is coming to Saugus.

I can't find anything via Google at this time.

It is going in a recently leveled lot across the highway from Hilltop Steakhouse. The lot has had TONS of $$$ poured into it, I'll tell you that. They've removed a swath of trees, blasted out tons of granite, and have taken months to level the place out. The lot basically encompasses the renovated McDonalds and new Burger King. The building itself will be 114,700 square feet.

I, for one, hate the sounds of this.
When will the City of Boston allow the evil Walmart Corporation to open a store in the city?
OMG - Route 1 will lose its special small town New England character with this national chain moving into such sacred space.

But seriously, there are huge benefits to the Rte 1s and Rte 9s. Honestly, I had just assumed that there already was a Walmart on Rte 1 in Saugus already.
114,700 SF is a regular Wal-Mart store, not a Supercenter. Wal-Mart may be making this a prototype store with smaller layout of offerings with groceries like was done in Halifax. This site was also rumored to be a Market Basket site. This site is fine for what it is. All is needed is a slowdown lane and accelleration lane on Route 1 or hundreds of low price commodity seekers will die merging onto the road.
^ There's been soooo many rumors. I heard condos, a relocation of Hilltop (and then condos where Hilltop is now), Market Basket, a strip mall, and so many others. People also said there would be a Market Basket where Trader Joe's opened.

OMG - Route 1 will lose its special small town New England character with this national chain moving into such sacred space.

LOL!!!! :D

So, how big is a supercenter then? I thought 114,700 was huuuuge.
A Wal-Mart Supercenter is 198,000 SF. It is a Supercenter when it has food. By comparison a Home Depot / Lowe's is 135,000 SF, with another 30,000 SF for a garden center.
It USED to be that supercenter was walmart + supermarket....but thats not the case anymore.

Theyre adding food to ALL walmarts. Target is doing the same.
Right. That is what happened in Halifax. They could not expand the building, so they just shrunk the amount of space available for the offerings inside.

A Supercenter is a Wal Mart with 45,000 to 60,000 SF of food inside. There can be food inside smaller locations, though they tend not to have food in stores that they did not build (Hanover, Newport).
OMG - Route 1 will lose its special small town New England character with this national chain moving into such sacred space.

Funny that rally cry came out from some residents nevermind that they already have KMart, Target, Marshalls, two Gamestops, Bestbuy, Macys, Sears, Loews, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell all in close proximety to the site...
