Where do you place yourself on the NIMBY spectrum?

Are you a...

  • Total NIMBY. Don't want stuff built unless it has a direct postitive affect on the community.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sort of NIMBY. Don't want many skyscrapers built, but one would be OK, I guess.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Right in the middle.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Leaning away from the NIMBYs. Want development, but well designed and thought out.

    Votes: 25 80.6%

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Not sure/Can't decide

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Another fun fact. While it's true a lot of us migrated over from Skyscraperguy, we did so in a steady steam, not en mass. The actual reason a lot of older members have the same join date is that there was some sort of back-end mishap with the forum and Briv had to rebuild the entire forum from scratch including 'resubscribing' all the members who had accounts at the time of the crash.

Yeah IIRC, the original archBoston started in April 2005 and it wasn't using vBulletin back then. It was something else.
This is where I think this poll fails. Nearly everyone is choosing (myself included) "I prefer well thought out designs" and to most people that is not NIMBYism, but to you, it is. Nearly everyone on this forum values good design over pure height everywhere. Our collective voices re: design & the urban environment get drowned out by the very loud YIMBYs on this board.

^^ THIS!

NIMBY can be difficult to accurately define. In simple terms, it stands for "Not In My BackYard." So, opposing a specific project in a specific place is a form of NIMBYism, even if it's for completely valid reasons. In this case, Datadyne had said he would be in favor of building something on essentially the same plot of land, but a slightly different location. (so as not to disturb the historical street) So you could argue he is being a NIMBY towards a specific piece of the parcel, the part he considers his former "backyard."

This is completely different from the term BANANA (which, coincidentally, I jokingly mentioned in another post without even thinking about the acronym). BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. These are the people who will oppose any and all new development. Nobody on this forum is a BANANA, although Ned (and I think Shirley Leung has posted here) would likely fall into that category.

So basically, if you oppose building somewhere but would be OK if something similar was built, say, 50' away, wouldn't that technically make you a NIMBY for that 50' worth of parcel that you oppose? Doesn't that fit the literal definition?
NIMBY can be difficult to accurately define. In simple terms, it stands for "Not In My BackYard." So, opposing a specific project in a specific place is a form of NIMBYism, even if it's for completely valid reasons. In this case, Datadyne had said he would be in favor of building something on essentially the same plot of land, but a slightly different location. (so as not to disturb the historical street) So you could argue he is being a NIMBY towards a specific piece of the parcel, the part he considers his former "backyard."

This is completely different from the term BANANA (which, coincidentally, I jokingly mentioned in another post without even thinking about the acronym). BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. These are the people who will oppose any and all new development. Nobody on this forum is a BANANA, although Ned (and I think Shirley Leung has posted here) would likely fall into that category.

So basically, if you oppose building somewhere but would be OK if something similar was built, say, 50' away, wouldn't that technically make you a NIMBY for that 50' worth of parcel that you oppose? Doesn't that fit the literal definition?

Ha. I never heard of BANANA.
NIMBY can be difficult to accurately define. In simple terms, it stands for "Not In My BackYard." So, opposing a specific project in a specific place is a form of NIMBYism, even if it's for completely valid reasons. In this case, Datadyne had said he would be in favor of building something on essentially the same plot of land, but a slightly different location. (so as not to disturb the historical street) So you could argue he is being a NIMBY towards a specific piece of the parcel, the part he considers his former "backyard."

This is completely different from the term BANANA (which, coincidentally, I jokingly mentioned in another post without even thinking about the acronym). BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. These are the people who will oppose any and all new development. Nobody on this forum is a BANANA, although Ned (and I think Shirley Leung has posted here) would likely fall into that category.

So basically, if you oppose building somewhere but would be OK if something similar was built, say, 50' away, wouldn't that technically make you a NIMBY for that 50' worth of parcel that you oppose? Doesn't that fit the literal definition?

I mean, if we are going to take the acronym so literal, then Data is a YIMBY every time he is for a project nearby (nearby being subjective because it could be defined as neighborhood or even the city). So no I would not go with the literal definition.
this is the nimby/yimby ink blot test.........

a. You're neutral
b. you support smart development, and don't see the harm in a bit of shade. But definitely lean well into the yimby end of the spectrum.
c. you're not only a yimby, but the Brahmins just might kill you.
d. none of the above; you're a nimby.

I decided to make a model to see how it would look as proposed as well as a couple taller versions to see how it changes its impact and how the proportions compare.

a. 255'


b. 400'


c. 500'


Whoa there. You're gonna give the height haters a heart attack.

Truth? a few of these built around the City would be just fine.

Fact? we're not going as high as any of those. The top render (18 stories) isn't even getting done. it got knocked down to 12 stories.
I would say in reality I'm probably more "Leaning away from the NIMBYs" than "JUST BUILD IT." but there are so many loud NIMBYs that I tend to take the other extreme to pull us more towards the middle.
Since this is a junk thread anyway, can I ask a question of the forum vets on here? I followed aB daily for years before I started posting, and can't help but notice some marquee members just instantly disappear one day here and there. Someone should write an homage summarizing the top/honored posters of yesteryear; us relative newcomers would appreciate the history. Then again, I am sure no one has time for that. Even just a short list of honorable mentions would be appreciated (e.g., whatever happened to ____).

We have the (relatively inactive) "Where is..." thread. http://www.archboston.org/community/showthread.php?t=2460&page=5

Quick glance through showed some names I haven't seen in a while. Ablarc, czsz, Kennedy, Mike, Ron Newman, bostonbred (sigh), Downtown Dave, Xec, Lurker, blade_bltz, castevens, Scott, etc.
I wanted to vote JUST BUILD IT, but I don't want to see steaming turds. I feel like a NIMBY now.
