Who wants to learn...



I was thinking about creating a topic and see if you would like to learn a little Icelandic tounge, since I'm from Iceland and I live there I can teach you a few words and sentence, I speak Icelandic but I have to write english here for you to understand me. :)
I'm just gonna' check how many want to learn and I'll teach you something, you can also come with words from english or sentence and I can translate them to Icelandic and teach you ;)
Now who wants to learn a new language? ;)

How do you say "Yankees Suck!" ?

:lol: :lol:

nice offer.

Although I don't need anything translated, I'd love to get your perspective, or the Icelandic perspective or opinion of Boston as a city. Such as, do Icelanders (is that what you're called?) ever think about Boston? If they do, in what regard? Is it for education, recreation, vacation, tourism, work etc. Is it generally positive? Negative? For example, how come you visit this site? Also, I'd be quite sure that everyone here would certainly be interested in a photo thread of your country.

Welcome to the board.
Ehh, I second the "Yankees Suck." We need to revive the chant with an Icelandic edge

oh, nice one.

how do you say "Yankees Suck" in icelandish (is that right???)
Wow, I actually took a year of Old Norse in college. Brennu-Nj?ls saga, Grettirs saga, Leifr inn Heppni... I went to Cornell, which has the world's largest collection of Icelandic literature. I never learned any _modern_ Icelandic, though. So do please post some Icelandic here... :)

I wonder where my dictionary is? I always found it amusing that the dictionary I used was written by someone called Gu?brandur Vigf?sson -- which means "WarSword BattleEager". Yet he wrote dictionaies.... :)
