Why Amazon chose Northern Virginia.


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2006
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As the Amazon HQ is closed to further comment, I'll create a new thread, and post this. Got an invite today to this presentation.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) is the top job-development agency in the state. VEDP will explain how they were successful in persuading Amazon to select the pricey locale of Crystal City over hundreds of lower-cost options by utilizing an intriguing analysis of data and economic theory and skilled salesmanship.

VDEP will talk about how a West Coast economist named Enrico Moretti’s research showed that tomorrow’s jobs are going to cities that are already home to large concentrations of highly educated workers. This economist argues that these are more valuable to employers than tax breaks. VDEP will explain how Virginia turned this theory into an operational strategy.

Moretti's brief bio

Enrico Moretti's book, The New Geography of Jobs, reviewed by Brookings a few years ago.
