Worcester Infill and Developments

Sprinkler Factory on Harlow Street has been gutted. Ironically the owner has been cited for fire code violations a few years ago.
Surprised this type of construction is not more common
Ive looked into this a lot because I have the same sentiment and apparently a lot of the reason came down to how unique each project is. Every state has its own building codes and then within the state each city and town has different building/zoning codes so it makes it hard to mass produce something that will work everywhere. Then to add to that existing problem you then have the chicken or egg problem, where in order to build modular housing you need a factory close by, but in order to build a factory you need modular housing projects approved to build. Luckily with how bad the housing crisis has gotten you are finally starting to see it take off and I wouldnt be surprised if it grows exponentially from here now that the seeds have been planted.

I’m rooting for providence. Its for sure the 2nd best city in new england and should be in much better shape than it is. Its insane that worcester has ended up being the release valve for boston over providence, but it looks like thats starting to change.
You stay away from my Worcester or well take your Hasbro like we took the Pawsox! Lol, But seriously I love Providence, wish Worcester was more like it, I want both of these cities to do well
I'm responding to this here because my comment belongs in this thread more than it does the Providence one.

Worcester has improved a lot from where it was a couple of decades ago, but it still obviously has a long way to go. Worcester has great bones and it could (and hopefully will eventually) be a fun, vibrant, walkable city. But so many of those empty lots downtown need to be filled in for it to happen. It sucks that development in Worcester is progressing so slowly, I hope that the pace picks up soon.

I'd love to someday see a new residential or hotel tower with ground-floor retail (and no surface parking) in downtown Worcester, but I'm obviously not getting my hopes up for that happening anytime soon.
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Is that were Michael's Cigar Bar was? Is that part of this development?
