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Promote topicality, jazzy riffs, artful juxtapositions & historical illustrations via hyperlinks. Keep OT text <1" tall; sigs shorter & SIZE 1.
Hey. My apologies. I do not know how I ended up on that conversation thread, but when I logged back in I had a notification and somehow was in your conversation thread with kmp1284. I did a quick read on that and thought it was directed to me after my post this AM on the Presidential Thread. So I responded thinking you were bothered by what I said. I apologize as after I looked again, you did not direct that comment to me.
Hey there, Tim,
I do think you left Whigh off way too easily. This isn't the first time he's posted something that bordered on homophobia...I called him out once years ago (I searched my posts but couldn't find anything though at one time, this board was completely redone and we had to log on new or something like that which may be the reason I can't find it) on something he posted..of course as a joke or an off hand remark. Unless he apologized to you, (I didn't see any and I don't take the excuse it was only a joke) as an apology. It's always the same ole, same ole...someone makes a racist/homophobic remark and then gives a general apology...I apologize to anyone who took offense to my remark...which isn't any apology at all. Anyway, my gripe is his cleverly throwing in the word perverts who will now have their way in bathrooms to take pics of private parts...such a pile of crap and that's why I called him out that. It's the same argument that legislators/ministers/concerned citizens/etc used against gay people for years...those perverts want rights? Those perverts can't be near children! those perverts should never be allowed to be members of a church congregation or minister to a congregation. Would you let someone off so easily if something similar was posted on your FB page? And of all days, he used today, the exact day that the Transbill was signed. He's sneaky and brought it up deliberately. He is no fool, he knew EXACTLY what he was saying. Calling him out like was done sends a powerful message to him...frankly, he deserved to have that post stay! Also, I made no agreement to have my comment withdrawn.....anyone who also commented should have at least had had the option by the mod to keep it up or take it down. Just my thoughts on this.
Wonder if dshoost88 has heard about this Tuesday's BCDC meeting? One Bromfield will be discussed approx. 8:20-8:50pm.
My comment on non-union labor and exempting prevailing wage laws wasn't intended to spark issues. Feel free to include or not, it was only a suggestion. I'm not sure why it was offensive to folks. Trying not to derail the thread more so sent this direct.
Go right ahead! I think DZH might've already taken care of it but if not, feel free!

I just saw this now- apologies for the delay!
Hi Dave, long time lurker but just recently registered. I was fascinated by your expanded T rapid transit diagram that you posted in the Green Line reconfiguration thread. I was hoping you also have a geographically accurate map as well. I'm interested to see how some of your alignments would work, especially in the Brickbottom area and around BU Central (presumably this takes the place of a West Station). Thanks for your time.
lol. My name's Stephen. Didn't stay there after coop, but doing similar stuff full time now.
Longtime sig:
"A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation." — Gustavo Petro, Ex-Mayor of Bogotá
Former Signature:
"Well then, Critobulus," said Socrates, "what if I demonstrate that, in the first place, some people spend a lot of money on building useless houses, whereas others spend far less and build perfectly adequate houses?"
As a commute-to-work cyclist, I've concluded that nothing is worth having an epitaph that reads "He had the right of way"
Instructive, off-topic, compare/contrasts are better done as hyperlinks. I love Jazzy riffs, artful juxtapositions and historical illustrations, and also topicality. Use links to follow your bliss and stay on topic at the same time. Off-topic posts should strive to be 1 inch tall.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to inquire as to whether it would be possible to arrange for a brief tour of the Burnham building / the Millennium Tower construction site for our annual winter outing in January.

The MAPC is the regional planning agency for 101 cities and towns in MetroBoston with a mission of promoting smart growth and regional collaboration by working towards sound municipal management, sustainable land use, the protection of natural resources, efficient and affordable transportation, the creation of a diverse housing stock, public safety, and economic development. The MAPC uses the winter outing as a chance to bring together its employees to learn about new or ongoing developments in and around Boston. Working primarily in land use, environmental, health, and transportation planning, and located in downtown crossing just down Washington St. from the Burnham building, I know that there is a lot of excitement about the Millennium Tower development among my colleagues.

Please let me know if a tour of any parts of the facility would be possible and/or if someone from the development team would be willing to speak with us about the history and scope of the project and the other work Millennium has done in the area. If this is at all possible, I would be more than happy to work out the details with you. Thank you for the consideration and good luck with the continued development of the tower.


Gregory Miao
Municipal Services Specialist
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
60 Temple Place, 6th floor
Boston, MA 02111
phone: 617-933-0769
fax: 617-423-0584
Hey there,
Thanks for posting your pics but I've noticed something in your preface of the pics that remind me of the following...
My mother had the habit of always saying...hmmm, my sauce didn't come out as well as I usually make it or I don't think the roast came out very well, etc. which of course set the tone of the meal (expecting that the rest of us wouldn't like it either) in spite of the fact that her cooking was superb and always was wonderful. I used to say, ma, let us make that judgement, before you tell us ahead of time what's wrong with it! :)
I really appreciate your photos in spite of the fact that you take them with your phone (I do too) and that the lighting isn't always perfect, or whatever. It's ok but when you apologize ahead of time in your pic description, it sort of takes the fun out of scrolling down to view your pics. I'm expecting he worst when, in fact, heck, they're good pics! Of course, it's just my opinion and I hope you don't take offense.
I finally figured out after many years how to post so I'm always appreciative of anyone who takes the time to post pics.
