New profile posts

Hiii. Would it be possible for me to republish your images of the 212 Stuart Street project on the Boston Magazine website? Those photos of the church arch are fantastic.

DM me or email me at I'd love to put it up today.
Thank you for the pictures you post. I really appreciate your efforts.
Uh, so if you want to get some free cash from Uber you can use my coupon code: 4zq9k

Just enter it in before you take your first ride, there's a menu option.

Full disclosure: it gives me cash too. so if you have a friend you'd rather benefit than me, you should get his or her code.
Hi Briv, Is it possible for someone to tell me why I can't post attachments? I've emailed archboston several times in the past 2+ months but received no replies. Thanks, John
spyglass spyglass77
Hey there, data'
It's atlantaden, I tried to find you on Facebook, since you practically gave permission.. (Refer to my Facebook pix if you haven't already snooped! ;-)) but I was unable to find you on FB! I would enjoy being a facebook friend and would send you a request but, since I can't find you, I'll give you my FB name with the hope you'll send a friend request! Dennis Ferioli Hope you do friend me! Thanks, Den
Hi there. No worries at all. I'm just happy to hear that news. Although I am very tempted to see them, you don't have to send them. Don't want to get you in trouble. Does this mean that the Garage is coming down on a set date, or are these renderings just conceptual? Thanks.
I like to but u reminded me of how much trouble I almost got into when I posted the south station video so now im a little leary about posting renderings as they do belong to our cilents and they hav'nt submited them to the BRA yet so sorry shot off my mouth before I checked if it was ok if u send me ur email I can send u them but please donot post!!!
Could you please share the renderings (or at least the news) for 1 Congress? You really got a lot of board members exited and then were mum on it.
No, this.... "That's UMass logic for you. Isn't our state university system great?"
I've never been one for sensitivity towards psychopaths and morons or in this case, psychopathic morons.
Hi, I am nominating bblancha to be banned from this forum. Can you please make it happen? Thanks.
hey, didn't see you're message til now.

I am doing a Master's in Commerce and Economic Development. The program head did the T analysis on the impact of the MBTA fare increase.
Most of the work is online, but I try and get there once a month just to get that college feel if nothing else.

How you liking your program?

Hey man,

Just interested in what program you're working on at NEU? I just started the masters in urban an regional policy there/here.

Hi Jim, I agree this would really dress that area up quite a bit. As it stands, the street has come a long way, but more is needed. This would bring a different element to it for sure. I hope it gets built.
Hope the Westin gets permission to construct the Ballroom/Event Center in the park. To me, this could be the most significant development for Congress Street since Two Monument Square was built in 1981. Congress Street could use a new shot in the arm and this project would compliment the PMA and class that part of town up considerably. Wish I was still a Portland resident so I could be more pro-active.
Hi John,

This is Patrick, I use the name Portland Arch when I discuss things that I wouldn't want my name to be attached to publicly, such as items currently before the planning board, which I sit on. I wouldn't like to be perceived as taking an advocacy role or being susceptible to influence from any one direction, so I use this name. You may certainly use the photos, thanks again for asking.

