Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre | Washington St | Downtown Crossing

Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

This is replacing the old MDC headquarters, or incorporating it?
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

Dorm got cancelled due to Beacon hill NIMBY opposition. In this cae, I sort of agree with the NIMBY's. This building has potential.

Agree with the NIMBYs? On what grounds? I like this building design well enough, but the NIMBYs weren't arguing for design changes, they just opposed having a dorm in government center (It ain't Beacon Hill no matter what they say). Either way, this is just another example of the mayor's office letting loudmouth neighbors determine the shape of this city regardless of the merit of their arguments.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

^It replaces the MDC headquarters
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

Is this building smaller than the originally proposed dorm? That might be a reasonable ground to prefer one over the other.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

I hope that "arts" building is not reflective of the level of creativity they hope will take place within.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

It is indeed smaller...but again, the principal reason the NIMBYs opposed the original was a knee jerk reaction against all things Suffolk. The old design would have sat in the shadow of the mccormick building and One Beacon, so height concerns are not compelling. They didn't want students in the neighborhood, so they opposed a dorm that would take house more of them in a university controlled dorm? Nice. Glad we have the mayor to take tough leadership stands on these issues.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

On the other hand, had Suffolk built a dorm on Beacon Hill, they might never have taken the Modern Theatre off the city's hands ... and it was in great danger of structural collapse after the previously designated non-profit failed to deliver. So this outcome may be the best for everyone.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

I totally agree Ron...but that doesn't justify the process by which we arrived at such a seredipitious place
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre




Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

^What's this?
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

it was the suffolk ice sculpture at this years first night. it was especially well lit this year...
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

It's hard to get a good pix while driveing by ,very tight space
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

^ On another thread, didn't some code expert say that they won't let you have these within 5 feet of the property line? And that they're severely size-constrained as well? (Truth is, on the very same thread, I also blew some bogus code expertise out my ass. :p)
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

That looks like more than 5 feet. There's a small alley, just wide enough for a car, between the Modern and the adjoining building to its left. Check out this Google StreetView, taken before Suffolk dismantled the Modern fa?ade.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

As a Suffolk student, I and other students don't see why they continue making dorms so far away from any classes. Would be better off being a theater again and an addition to the Art School program.

Anyone know what is going on with Suffolk's Somerset St project? I heard it was acquired a year ago or so but no plans have been pushed. I wish it would be something, anything. It's a great spot for Suffolk or any development at all, IMO.

I also wish they would build something on the Ashburton Place parking lot. It's a ridiculous void. It could provide dozens of new classrooms to the adjacent Sawyer Building.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

It's going to contain both a theatre and an art gallery.
Re: Suffolk Dorms / Modern Theatre

As a Suffolk student, I and other students don't see why they continue making dorms so far away from any classes.

Exercise is good for you.
