General Infrastructure

Is that Broad Street? They've been talking about doing something like this for sooooo many years now.
Big fan of the improvements to that block of Franklin Street. Pedestrians greatly outnumber cars in that area. Common sense would tell you to design the area for the people who actually use it.
I'm 100% in support of this. Hell yeah.

and fwiw the green paint is in fact totally core to the transformation. Its necessary in order to make pedestrians / lunch-eaters comfortable enough to feel that the space really belongs to them. Lower ambient temp, lower glare, defines a distinct space, promotes sense of well-being etc. And its relatively cheap too, even with union-rate paintbrush operators...

As Van said, NYC did the same thing with a lot of the broadway triangles in midtown - a couple of years of green paint and mobile furniture to claim the space before the budget cycle caught up enough to support a full curb-and-concrete rebuild with trees and permanent furniture etc.
I'm 100% in support of this. Hell yeah.

and fwiw the green paint is in fact totally core to the transformation. Its necessary in order to make pedestrians / lunch-eaters comfortable enough to feel that the space really belongs to them. Lower ambient temp, lower glare, defines a distinct space, promotes sense of well-being etc. And its relatively cheap too, even with union-rate paintbrush operators...

As Van said, NYC did the same thing with a lot of the broadway triangles in midtown - a couple of years of green paint and mobile furniture to claim the space before the budget cycle caught up enough to support a full curb-and-concrete rebuild with trees and permanent furniture etc.

NYC actually uses grey colors (ie to mimic concrete) for the pedestrian areas.
Wonderful addition. Now let's do this 20-30 more times between the harbor and Jamaica Plain.
I'd like to figure out who in the Boston city gov are responsible for this and buy them all beers.
I'd like to figure out who in the Boston city gov are responsible for this and buy them all beers.

The people you need to buy beer are the people from Millennium. This semi-permanent plaza trial is part of their Millennium Tower mitigation package. The plaza will be hardscaped and made permanent as part of the 115 Winthrop Square mitigation package if all goes well with this test run.
The people you need to buy beer are the people from Millennium. This semi-permanent plaza trial is part of their Millennium Tower mitigation package. The plaza will be hardscaped and made permanent as part of the 115 Winthrop Square mitigation package if all goes well with this test run.

That almost begins to make up for razing the Franklin/Hawley corner and replacing it with a car port.
And the disaster that is the newly redesigned intersection at Court, Tremont, and Cambridge streets.
Could you elaborate? I rode my bike through there on Sunday, and quite honestly I thought it was a great design, at least from a cycling perspective.
