Washington Plaza (Whole Foods Redevelopment) | 15 Washington St. | Brighton


Senior Member
May 5, 2016
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Previously discussed in brief on the Allston/Brighton thread. Now moving ahead with BDPA review and public meetings:

Comments period is open through Feb 21, 2019:

Public Meeting is Feb 6, 2019 (7pm)


From BldUp:
The Project will include new construction of a 282,991 square foot building, featuring up to 270 dwelling units consisting of multi-family apartments, a new approximately 45,753-square foot Whole Foods grocery store, a new approximately 3,593-square foot Citizens Bank, and up to 323 structured parking spaces that will support the residential and commercial uses. Both the existing Whole Foods grocery store and Citizens Bank will be reconstructed on site and relocated into new retail spaces facing Washington Street. The Project seeks to replace what are currently small retail buildings and a large surface parking lot with a vibrant mixed-use development activated by ground-floor retail uses with housing above.



This concept is exactly what the metro area needs more of. I wish Market Basket had the money and/or will to do this to their Somerville store.
The block behind Whole Foods that has the old gas station is also supposed to get a makeover.
I heard that an apartment building is supposed to be put there.
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I've been waiting for something to happen here for a long time. Looks good, but this probably going to be built out of papier mache and glue.
I’m glad to see some movement on this again.

I was interested to read that the whole foods will remain open through construction.
Who wants to bet that this building will be built similar to the one for the Brookliner? Businesses & retailers are usually on the street floor, while apts are usually from the 2nd floor & up. :unsure:
Saw some of the plans today, & it appeares as though this project may be starting soon, even though the official start of it has not been determined or announced yet. I think that some more meetings are scheduled into the fall. :)
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Saw some of the plans today, & it appeares as though this project may be starting soon,though the official start of it has not been determined yet. I think that some more meetings are scheduled into the fall. :)

How can "this project may be starting soon" if "I think that some more meetings are scheduled into the fall"?

Can I get a translation of what your post means?
I say that because there is no official start-up date yet & they don't seen to know what is what or anything. Sure they may still build it, but we'll just have to wait & see. 🤔
I will support any candidate for mayor who runs on a pledge of abolishing the BCDC!

I believe that it's needed. We hardly have any stores to go to, unless they are the little convenience stores & there are no drug stores to go to at all in the area. It's almost as though we are living in the Dark Ages waiting for the dinosaurs to come back to life!! :(
