Not a fan of this sculpture. Just my own take, but it looks like something from a horror movie.
Exactly, the pillar of souls - Helllraiser 3.
by David Z, on Flickr
OK DZ, I'll be the one to swallow my pride and shamelessly admit I have no idea what/where that is. I would guess somewhere rather outlying from the Boston city core, like Jamaica Plain, Dorchester, Chelsea...
Maybe someone else will humble me and actually be able to identify it, but my 2 cents on this photo contest is that the further from the most common areas of Boston that the shot originates from, the more context should be provided in the photo. But who knows, maybe someone will yet nail this. And I'll be the first to admit striking the right balance is very tough. Let's keep 'em coming.
Superior Nut 225 Monsignor OBrien Hwy Cambridge
Superior Nut 225 Monsignor OBrien Hwy Cambridge
225 Monsignor O'Brien Highway · 225 Monsignor O'Brien Highway, Cambridge, MA 02141
Is it part of the burial ground on the common?
A vent building on the Southwest Corridor path?
Last guess.
This time I used the context that your photo updates aren't around the southwest corridor usually.. Not sure if that's cheating or not
25 Hampshire St
I believe this structure was a switching sub station for the Cambridge Electric Light Company. Bottom center in this link
Also mentioned in this archived article.