General Infrastructure

Can a town do that? It seems akin to a town closing a highway that runs through it.

Plus, let's be honest: the law really doesn't require much for housing. If a community did do that it would be just cutting your hand off because you have a hang nail. It's not like Dover still has a CR stop to close.
It's not like Dover still has a CR stop to close.

That they included towns that don't have a CR is one of the reasons why this bill has nothing to do with TOD.

I think they are too late... but hopefully a town will sue, if only to possibly get the true purpose of the bill in discovery. Maybe some reason to think there would be enough demand for the expensive market rate units to get developers to bother.
That they included towns that don't have a CR is one of the reasons why this bill has nothing to do with TOD.

I think they are too late... but hopefully a town will sue, if only to possibly get the true purpose of the bill in discovery. Maybe some reason to think there would be enough demand for the expensive market rate units to get developers to bother.

It requires at least one district with multi family housing as right with density of at least 15 units/acre, and that it needs to be within half a mile of a T stop (subway, CR, bus, ferry, etc). If anything the bill is extremely weak but I fail to see a grand conspiracy from Baker & Co with ulterior motives other than TOD. It's a pretty reasonable density requirement for towns that benefit from MBTA service (which the state heavily subsidizes).
It requires at least one district with multi family housing as right with density of at least 15 units/acre, and that it needs to be within half a mile of a T stop (subway, CR, bus, ferry, etc).

Most of the towns on the list are nowhere near a half mile from a T stop.
I live in Groton, and used commuter rail from Ayer for more than a couple of years to get to Cambridge - the law rightly includes towns like Groton, with a lower percentage of multifamily unit requirements than Ayer.
Weekend ferry service returns to hingham Memorial Day weekend. Schedule shows 55min trip time which a solid 20 min slower than weekday. They using a row boat ?
The pump station at McGrath Hwy project is getting started. I thought this would have started in conjunction with the giant concrete culvert being set in Somerville Ave for the past 3 years but better late than never. It's essentially a huge underground storage tank to manage storm surge from Somerville Union Sq and Cambridge that will in turn prevent some polluted storm surge from being dumped into the Millers / Charles River outfall. Somerville Community ArtFarn will share the site as well with urban farming programs.
Slow zones spreading to the harbor now too. Need some weekend closures for water work.
The new T GM has been alerted by the Trades that the ferry tracks will need to be replaced almost immediately. They are anticipating months of work out on the water (during summer months only). Yes, beer will be involved.
East Somerville Broadway bus lane extension to happen later this year.

Will serve Route 89 and 101 buses, bus stop consolidation will take place. This will be east of Route 28 and fill in the small missing gap where there are currently 2 lanes to move privately owned fuel tanks through each direction.

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The westbound slip lane at the corner of Broadway and McGrath appears to concede that nothing substantial will be built on the former gas station lot.
What Providence Line stations have Amtrak length platforms? I believe Providence, Attleboro Back Bay and SS. Are there any others?
What Providence Line stations have Amtrak length platforms? I believe Providence, Attleboro Back Bay and SS. Are there any others?

Route 128 must also be one, as it is an Amtrak stop (both NE Corridor and ACELA I presume?). Why would Attleboro, though, given there has never been Amtrak service there? (at least as far as I know/recall...)
Attleboro was a stop on the Cape Codder from 1986 to 1989. Its platforms are not Amtrak length - about 900 northbound and 725 southbound.

Wickford Junction, TF Green, Pawtucket/Central Falls, South Attleboro, Attleboro, Sharon, Readville, Hyde Park, and Ruggles (side platform) are all approximately MBTA standard length (800 feet). Mansfield and Canton have at least one sub-700 foot platform. Providence, Route 128, Forest Hills, Ruggles (center platform), Back Bay, and South Station all have 1050-foot (12-car) Amtrak standard platforms.
