Roux Institute Campus Development | Portland

They have at least 2 more Planning Board workshops and then a public hearing. Best case scenario would be breaking ground by fall.

As of now, they have no timeline for when the on site housing / hotel phases will be constructed
Hewitt mentioned reserving some room for this at the last HPB meeting, however looking at the layouts above it might be too tight.

Interesting idea. Other than the logistics and cost, the major issue would be the NB traffic. It already backs up pretty far at the Washington/Veranda light at certain times during the day. With the added Roux traffic and a light I could see traffic backed up into 295.

Here's my revised idea - you would have to take the two car dealerships and the multifamily on the corner of Veranda, but with two roundabouts you could do it.

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MaineDOT doesn't need to conduct a study, they can just pay me for my plan 😬
I’d love it if on the beachy area to the east of the pier, if not attached the pier itself, they provided some kayak launches. Would be a fun way to access this site, especially if there will be a cafe open to the public.
The possibility of flooding still sticks out as a major problem for any development at this site. Hopefully they keep that in mind.
The site of the new "LRC" building will be raised 1-2 feet to at least help mitigate flooding risk. The bean building is still more vulnerable but they're deliberately not placing anything valuable on the 1st floor of that building for the sake of flood damage mitigation.
Would love to see some type of ferry or water taxi service from that pier to downtown. I think so many people would go to this beautiful area to walk, bike, relax and read a book and then get dinner in the Old Port, then come back to the Roux campus to go home. Absolutely love the design
Weren't there supposed to be taller buildings over here? What happened to those? Is this just Phase 1?
I think this is just phase 1 but I could be wrong

Based on what was said in the last Planning Board workshop, it seems like the IDEALS team may still be debating whether to have housing on-site or not. They have firm plans to build a hotel and additional lab space in the future, but it seems they're favoring off-site residential for the time being.
The design appears welcoming and contemporary without losing the historical feel of the original factory building. Dock a few mini yachts or maybe a small glass topped ferry (Encore in Boston has smallish ones that seem to work) and it's good to go!
I’d love it if on the beachy area to the east of the pier, if not attached the pier itself, they provided some kayak launches. Would be a fun way to access this site, especially if there will be a cafe open to the public.

On some of the renderings it looks like there is a dock connected to the end of the pier. I don't remember seeing this discussed/written anywhere, so maybe it's future expansion?
On some of the renderings it looks like there is a dock connected to the end of the pier. I don't remember seeing this discussed/written anywhere, so maybe it's future expansion?
The pier needs to be more functional than scenic. To the right is 295 with 8 lanes of traffic, and to the front Eastern Prom with a sewage treatment plant. I don't see this being a place to sit and "enjoy" the scenery. This existing proposal pier can have stairways that reach down to the bottom for access to a few boats. There should be a small, covered boat that can go back and forth to Ocean Gateway. There are already water taxis that go back and forth to the islands from the peninsula, so not a big deal to do. It won't have to be an expense from Roux as approved independents will appear and then charge a fee.
