Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

This thing looks great in person, probably one of the nicest low rises in the city. Love the vertical lines, stepped facade, and copper penny colored pin stripes.
Agreed. Too bad they missed the market window and it will sit vacant for years.

I think construction of the hotel is starting. Land is being cleared. This spot had some trees not long ago.
A PDA Amendment has been introduced to loosen the allowed uses at the ground floor of Lantera. They've never been able to find tenants for all of those units and hopefully this helps. It also goes to show that the demand for retail around Boston Landing isn't as high as anticipated, and probably won't get there until more housing units come on line.
I had to go back and check what the hotel is going to look like, because it has changed so many times. This is the most recent iteration from 2022 that I dont even remember seeing before. They added a good amount of height back onto it from when it changed to the box which used to only reach the first set back.



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Yeah, that's the core. Stairwell and elevators can both in that. Kinda surprised they're only excavating down half of the site, I guess they don't need that much below grade parking.
