I'm not sure I agree with this at all, but I am certain that a building with this design in the location of the Shreve redevelopment would be far worse than the building we got, regardless of the merits of the new building. It would have been far heavier looking and feel oppressive. As for me...
According to Brookline News, a developer is proposing to transform "what’s now a largely vacant office building and a bank surrounded by parking lots" into a high-end hotel and 500-plus units of housing. The plan "is to build three tall buildings around a 'mini town center' filled with green...
I have to disagree with the last two posters. The building being replaced was built in 1955 and has no architectural or historical significance. It is a very ordinary building. Personally I don’t find it aesthetically pleasing. I look forward to its replacement.
It was halted a second time a little over a week ago after a fire. They are conducting a safety audit. Not sure if work has resumed after that, or when it will if it has not already.
I thought SnowPort was great this year - much improved from the last time I went. I don't see why it cannot remain in the Seaport after the current site is developed. The expanded Seaport Common that is being created by abandoning the building proposal on the site adjacent to the existing park...
Also, this building will reflect less of the sky because of its concave surfaces which will reflect more of the ground and lower buildings because the glass is angled in that direction.