Port of Portland | Working waterfront and future developments

Some work has been done behind the MNG building, looks like the landing platform for a dock? Anyone know what that is?

I guess this is going to be the public pier?

A couple of projects for the Port Authority is tearing down the Rupp building. Also building the Refer Rack on the other side of the bridge. This will allow more space where the refers are now.
Looks like Sprague has started their new project on Commercial Street, and containers are lined up by rail at the intermodal facility. After being used for Poland Spring, then going unused, is the intermodal facility back up and running again? If the bridge to the point was gone, double stacking could be utilized.
I wonder if the plan to build a new ramp at Rigby is dead. At the same time, I wonder if the containers could hold materials for the reefer racks; big steel girders seem like something that rail could handle well.
Waynflete has its own boathouse? Those kids are privileged, for sure.
They bought the woods I played in as a kid and turned them into their athletic complex, so... (Sorry, not much point, I just like to vent about that. )
