44 Burbank Street | Fenway


Active Member
Apr 16, 2014
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47,000 SF residential construction. From that rendering, the buildings fronting Burbank Street will be 4 to 7 stories; the building fronting Westland Avenue will be 9. This is the second phase of the developer's project, the first of which was the conversion of the adjacent garage at 41 Westland Avenue (the building on the far left) into residences.

According to a 2013 project document on the BRA website, the completed project will have 34 condos, of which 2 will be subjected to affordable housing standards.


Re: 44 Burbank Street (Fenway)

Well hmph... this is wonderfully contextual. Great massing & materials. The way the roof lines at the portions closest to the street relate to the adjacent context is brilliant and then the new element defines a new context by rising slightly above. Very nice.

Great find & thanks for sharing.
Re: 44 Burbank Street (Fenway)

Can I ask: does anyone know the cost differential between completing the side exteriors with alucobond instead of brick? When the developer worked on 41 Westland Ave., they added a single floor at the top that has an alucobond exterior, and it is UGLY. Now it appears that the sides of this building are going to be done in the exact same manner. Personally, I'm not a fan.

Anyway, both Burbank Street and Westland Avenue currently consist of mostly early 1900s pre-modern architecture. Height-wise, the developer seems to have been pretty respectful of the status quo on Burbank Street; on Westland Ave. it will be the tallest building, but not so large as to loom over the rest of the street. IMO, the design fronting the street isn't bad, but I'm not a huge fan of the lack of symmetry. Still, it will be nice to finally get that lot filled; it served as parking for a long time, but for the past several years it's been fenced off.

Forgot to add: construction apparently began this week. Concrete barriers to block parking, as well as a trailer to the immediate north, were erected around Tuesday or Wednesday. Work has been done every day since. I don't need an alarm clock with all of the noise that starts exactly at 7:00 AM :p
Is this precast faux brick or is it the real thing? Either way, it looks better than that the usual white-ish, Styrofoam looking cladding I see around Boston.
Im not sure but that sampler looks very convincing either way so this will be a net positive.
Is this precast faux brick or is it the real thing? Either way, it looks better than that the usual white-ish, Styrofoam looking cladding I see around Boston.

Its all faux weather its thick or thin. Don't worry about it. trust your eyes. If you like it ...great ... if you dont, write a letter.

It's not uncommon to have precast panels with real brick in them, at least in Worcester.
^I like the use of two colors of brick to transition from the legacy brick structures to the left.
Hey BeeLine? Are you just a man about town?. Your pictures are fantastic, and they cover the whole city. I nominate you for the BRA (although that might be a bad joke).
Cortes -- remember what they say in Kendall SQ.

You can change your pants -- But

We can change your Genes ;)
Massing (dance) 10, Exterior (looks) 3.

is there some reason they can't encourage decorative roof, drip edges, window casings, etc?
