What did this look like before? Afraid I don't appreciate the extent of the transformation...
This is what the State Services and City Hall needs. THEY NEED LOVE!
This is what the State Services and City Hall needs. THEY NEED LOVE!
You know what? THIS should be the best development of 2012.
Yeah, this project is so damn good I'm glad I wasn't the only one left in awe babbling.
Yes they do. Both are exemplary buildings of their time, the Lindemann a bit less so but it's rear staircase is a Piranesi wet dream.
Build a tower where one was originally planned (replacing the hobo park there now) and humanize the street level to make it less forbidding.
I love City Hall but it does need some serious remediation. It's such an indictment of Menino's "leadership" that plans have come and gone for decades and nothing of value has come of it.
The Dartmouth campus is a great blueprint for showing that revitalization is possible and will be invaluable in chasing away the torch and pitchfork crowd screaming for demolition.