[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I would definitely like to see more towers in Boston, but I do wonder if this is an appropriate spot. The Harbor Towers are almost universally seen as being out of place. I'm generally a fan of stepping up the buildings from the waterfront inland. Seems to me that shorter buildings would be more appropriate here, perhaps 10-15 stories. I do however think the Government Center Garage tower proposal is awesome. It's on the other side of the Greenway and further from the waterfront.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

^ The Government Center project in my opinion is the best proposal we've seen in a long time and if the city/BRA holds it up, it will be a disgrace.

But back to topic, the Harbor Towers aren't "out of place" they just look that way because aesthetically they are horrible. Heck, even fundamentally they have problems with the towers. This isn't a bad "spot" for Towers either, it's a great spot.

The problem is the FAA won't let you build in other areas, and so the amount of land available for decently size towers is shrinking. Why not build to capacity (or close) where you can?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I don't know why people are so into what's "appropriate" for this area. This isn't being built on Beacon Hill or in the North End. There's two 400 ft towers directly next to this parcel. Across the street is the Custom House Tower and the rest of downtown. You know what else is out of place? The London Shard (http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=418897). God forbid we're ever lucky enough to get something like that proposed in our city. Oh, wait..

This isn't ruining the character of an established neighborhood, this is creating character for a recently developed one. The Greenway has been an utter failure so far. Median strip parks which for the most part go completely unused. Projects such as this and the Gov't Center Project will bring more people to these areas.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

If Chiofaro has the money, let him build it. It will be sad if the government will approve projects like the Filene's and CC when they don't have the financial resources to build it and reject a project that does.
Let's see: Chiofaro filed for bankruptcy a few years back on International Place, and was 'saved' by Prudential Real Estate Investors (PREI).

PREI is his major financial backer on the garage project, but wait, Prudential is now ponying up for Federal bailout money because some of its commercial real estate investments have gone south.

IMO, there are no pockets to speak of, let alone deep pockets, backing this project at this point.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

What better way to bring people to the greenway than a new "tallest in the city" type building with tons of attractions.

Wow people can be dumb.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

...unless they don't actually want to "bring people to the Greenway".

These are NIMBYs. People = traffic, density, etc.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

This isn't ruining the character of an established neighborhood, this is creating character for a recently developed one. The Greenway has been an utter failure so far. Median strip parks which for the most part go completely unused. Projects such as this and the Gov't Center Project will bring more people to these areas.


As for financial backing, in my mind it's a very simple process by the city, and it goes as follows:

City: "Do you have the money to build this if we approve it?"
Chiofaro: "Yes. I have investors and am fully (almost, 80%, 90%, etc.) financed."
City: "Prove it."
Chiofaro: "I'll call up my bank now, I'll file with you tomorrow, and start constrution next week."

Hmmm...if only, if only.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Boston Globe - May 5, 2009
Towers would threaten jets, Massport says

By Casey Ross, Globe Staff | May 5, 2009

An architectural rendering of proposed development near the New England Aquarium developer by Donald J. Chiofaro. (Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects)

The Massachusetts Port Authority has told developer Donald J. Chiofaro that two towers he is proposing to build near New England Aquarium are too tall and would encroach on Logan International Airport's airspace.

Chiofaro has proposed a 40-story office tower and a 59-story residential tower linked by a 770-foot tall "skyframe" that would create a rectangular arch that itself would be taller than the two towers.

The authority said the project exceeds its height guidelines for the waterfront by at least 145 feet and could interfere with airplane maneuvers during emergencies. The property, located about two miles from Logan, and now the site of the Boston Harbor garage, is under the path of airplanes using Runway 27, Massport said.

The authority notified Chiofaro that its guidelines would limit the height of his development to 625 feet.

The Federal Aviation Administration has the final decision, but Massport's guidelines are used as reference point in the federal review.

Chiofaro, however, is disputing Massport's determination. The developer said an aviation consultant whom he hired, a former pilot, concluded the proposed heights are acceptable.

"We believe we can satisfy the FAA, especially considering that the proposed redevelopment site is not in a departure path for Logan," Chiofaro said in a prepared statement. "We are certainly aware of and have spoken with Massport about their map and their height guidelines, and we look forward to a dialogue with all parties."

Chiofaro has not yet filed a permit application for his proposed development with the FAA.

Massport officials said they first spoke to Chiofaro's development firm about height restrictions last spring, when they were preparing to adopt new guidelines for development. The guidelines, adopted last fall, establish a circle of protected airspace the authority said is needed to preserve clear flight paths around Logan.

A Massport spokesman said yesterday that under the guidelines, Chiofaro's site has a height restriction of between 600 and 625 feet above mean sea level. Mean sea level is about 10 feet below the ground level of Chiofaro's development site, officials said.

Chiofaro's towers have also provoked opposition from residents in the adjacent Harbor Towers condominiums, who argue it would overshadow the nearby Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and surrounding buildings. City zoning limits buildings in that area to 155 feet, so Chiofaro would also need height variances from the city to build higher.

The Boston Redevelopment Authority is hosting a public meeting about his proposal at 6 p.m. next Tuesday at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf.

Casey Ross can be reached at cross@globe.com.

The current garage has more retail space than what is shown in that rendering. :(
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Wait until the complaints about blocking the view of the Customs House Tower from the harbor start.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Holy fuck is that base rendering hideous.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Yeah, unless something comes out to show that rendering completely misrepresents the base, I think I might find myself in the 'against' group.

But, of course there will always be a group who will won't care as long as it is tall.:rolleyes:
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Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Contextually it'll make Harbor Towers look good! Wait... what?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

So, not to beat a dead horse, but what should be built here? It's right in the middle of my district, so it's a hot topic. Should the Rose Kennedy Parkway be left as is, with no large buildings on either side, should it have tall buildings on the financial district side, should it have more residential housing facing the Harbor? How tall is "too" tall? You all know I like development (although you may not be clear on what - it is due to the benefits of having more housing and more property tax revenue) but I have to say, even I am a bit shocked by the height of the buildings in this proposal. Will it create a "canyon" effect on the Parkway?

What happens when the next developer comes down the Greenway and wants to build another high-rise? Case by case basis or are we saying this is how things are going to be - big and tall, everywhere in that area?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

770ft? That is a tad too tall. I thought the height of this tower would have been at most 700ft. I just hope something of around that height will get built.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

John, whatever you advocate/support for this spot, it should be a building. There's already enough redundancy with Christopher Columbus Park sliding up next to the Greenway; what's needed are clearly defined walls and active uses, at minimum.

But from what I just saw, probably not this Arc de WTF.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

" czsz and kz and statler
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

"Towers would threaten jets, Massport says"
Are these people for real? Isn't it International Place across the Street?

Sounds like the city doesn't want anything built here. This garage is the best development parcel in town. I believe 700 or 800 Ft tower would be fine. This is a great location for a major tower.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

The proposed tower is much higher than International Place.
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