[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

C'mon this looks good doesn't it? Actually one of my favorite shots from there.

There's something actually romantic about that shot. Thanks for the visual :)

I have a book on the Rust Belt and the thing with those photos is that the angle, mood, setting and lighting has to be perfect. Otherwise it still looks like shit. Well, that's just my opinion anyways.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I greatly admire Don for what he is doing - not architecturally but politically.

He's creating theatre... he's putting the BRA in the spotlight. He's calling out the Mayor for supporting other projects and not this one.

He's doing every single thing that we tell our clients not to do in order to get project approvals. It's anti-textbook for how to build in Boston.

It's hysterical, but he knows it. Clearly he's just doing this to pass time, create a mess, and prove a point. I for one admire him for doing it. I wish we had more human developers and less conglomerate/pension fund developers - we'd see more passion like this - both architecturally and poltically.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

How dare you!

I went to school in Bethlehem! Sure, I used to hate rust brown, but now I love it. I can't get me enough of that rust brown. Ah, memories.

The steel that made the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, and countless other landmarks all came out of that steel plant.

Ha! Bethlehem as a city though seems to be doing a lot better lately. The downtown area is filling in quite nicely. I went to school in Syracuse .. and if the universities were missing from these Rust Belt cities they would be complete dumps. Just another stop off the highway..
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I swear, some of the people on this board see height and a "bold" design and they get a hard-on. I could design a 5 building, middle finger project with each building being 700+ feet and made out of rubber and some of you would say "IT'S BOLD! It's DIFFERENT FOR BOSTON!"

Just because it's different doesn't make it better. The Harbor Towers are different and those are about as aesthetically pleasing as fat people in spandex.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I don't love this proposal, mainly because it already looks value-engineered. Why build to nearly 800' on the harbor and not include a destination restaurant (or at least an an observation deck) at the very top? Where are the scenic elevators? Small changes could make this proposal an attraction, and considering its proximity to the Aquarium, the Greenway, and Quincy Market, it makes sense.

BINGO. These towers look like a design that's been "cheapened" due to lack of funds, or just to save money off the bat. I dislike the arch, but what's most offensive is the brown next to the light glass. How can you think that's appealing?

BetonBrut is 100% correct. This would be PERFECT for an observation deck plus an upper-class restaurant. It just seems like a few things would make this project a home run, even if they decide to keep the overall design (and I obviously hope they don't).
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

That picture is one I took on site. I came out really well so I made it my background for awhile.

I was kind of surprised by how "nice" Bethlehem is. It's a lot less run down than Billy Joel ever made me think. Living in Brockton, I expected kind of the same thing. The main drag from Lehigh to the center of town is kind of crummy with way to many red lights, liquor stores and check cashing joints.

But there is a lot more business, good restaurants, and views there. The City offices area completely reminded me of Boston's though. Similar style of buildings, and they took the most prime real estate with the best view of the valley.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I like it.

But can we have this?


P.S. What! Is that the SUN shining on that plaza, and on those trees... even with those massive buildings?? Could it be?? I thought big buildings threw public open space into a desolate darkness of shadows and muggings.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I greatly admire Don for what he is doing - not architecturally but politically.

He's creating theatre... he's putting the BRA in the spotlight. He's calling out the Mayor for supporting other projects and not this one.

He's doing every single thing that we tell our clients not to do in order to get project approvals. It's anti-textbook for how to build in Boston.

It's hysterical, but he knows it. Clearly he's just doing this to pass time, create a mess, and prove a point. I for one admire him for doing it. I wish we had more human developers and less conglomerate/pension fund developers - we'd see more passion like this - both architecturally and poltically.

I agree this Developer is putting the city on the spot. How long has the Greenway study been going on for? The local economy is a disaster, this will provide jobs, union jobs, city and state tax income.

What more does the city officials want?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Hate the rust color.

...what's most offensive is the brown next to the light glass. How can you think that's appealing?

Considering the rendering, and the copper-cladding of Pederson's own home (which I really dig), I can see why folks are concerned. This isn't a Richard Serra sculpture, though.

I believe it's supposed to be a terra cotta material, similar to the cladding at 45 Province Street. It will be mounted in vertical bands up the facade, interspersed with glazing. Without more detailed renderings, I can't pass judgment.

How long has the Greenway study been going on for?

It's ongoing. Some of us have attended these meetings. I'm as curious as you are as to why the bulk of this wasn't ironed out a decade ago. Did the city forget that the Artery was coming down?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I'm 100% with PelhamHall on this one. I hope Chiofro really pushes some buttons with this. Boston's development process is a wreak and the only way we're going to fix it is if someone with enough time and energy (not to mention money) drags us kicking and screaming through it.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Originally Posted by TheRifleman
How long has the Greenway study been going on for?

It's ongoing. Some of us have attended these meetings. I'm as curious as you are as to why the bulk of this wasn't ironed out a decade ago. Did the city forget that the Artery was coming down?

Answer this question: How could the city now put regulations and height restrictions after a developer buys the garage development and proposes his idea to the BRA?

So the BRA can stall as long as they want. Is that even LEGAL?

Didn't Harbor Towers have the right to buy the Air Rights before for the garage was up for sale?
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Hi Rifleman,

When Don bought the GARAGE the zoning restricted future buildings TO only 155 feet. So he KNEW what he was getting HIMSELF into.

If the study COMES back with zoning of 200' or 100' it doesN'T matter, he'd still be IN the same boat.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Given the economy, the only one of these three structures that will find tenants is the middle one.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

From Arch St to the arch! I like it!
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Given the economy, the only one of these three structures that will find tenants is the middle one.

I think this building would have no problem finding Tenants. The location is key.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

too bad the moakley courthouse is on the opposite end of the harbor...it would pair nice with this tower.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

255 State, the little building next to it, across from the aquarium, with Legal Sea Foods has had a really tough time attracting tenants.

It is perfectly far enough away from both North and South Stations... very inconvenient.

That building was called the "Eaton Vance Building" until a few weeks ago... when Eaton Vance vacated it for greener and more convenient pastures.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

... when Eaton Vance vacated it for greener and more convenient pastures.

I'm not sure Two International Place is any greener or convenient, but the rain "machine" in the atrium is pretty diesel (as my 14 year old would say).
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