[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

The SST is to reach a height of about 621 feet. It was reduced from the original height of over 700 feet, I believe, due to concerns about flight paths and for other reasons. My point is that if 625 feet is safe for this area, why should anyone be concerned about going a little taller a considerable distance from South Station?

Looks to me like the Aquarium garage is slightly closer to Logan Airport than South Station is.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Yes, but if you look at the direction of the runways, it's considerably closer to flight paths.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Massport is a semi-private state agency, so no, Mayor Menino does not control it. As for it being a failed agency, Massport is actually a model of how a public/private agency can be successful. I know we're upset about the tower, but lets do a little research before we start throwing people under the bus.

Personally I'm with Van on this one.
Massport and Menino are not friends. Menino has strenuously and vociferously objected to new runways, additional flights, etc., at Logan Airport.
IIRC, there was a concern raised by the FAA several years ago about building a canyon of towers along the waterfront that effectively blocked the radar from seeing planes on final approach, and particularly helicopters flying along the Charles, including medivac helicopters.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

The FAA has shut down any further building of towers in Rosslyn VA, just across the Potomac from Georgetown (Washington DC). The height was capped at about 500' above sea level, and Rosslyn is further (about twice as far) from Reagan National Airport than Chiofaro's wetdream is from Logan.

Chiofaro (and Prudential) way overpaid for the garage given today's market when they paid $155 million. (See the foreclosure sale of the John Hancock tower for $660.6 million). I susperct they are under water (figuratively) with the current value of the garage being less the amount of financing. And the garage is truly ugly given the price they paid for it.

When developers likes Hines and Vornado and Millennium who have far deeper pockets than Chiofaro, are sitting tight on their Boston projects, why would anyone think that Chiofaro can get the financing to build an iconic tower? By using the TARP money that Prudential is seeking?

I would say they paid for the location. Could they sell the garage for 155million in today's market? Probably not. If the market recovers this will be the best development parcel in the city.

Bottom line every bank has gotten their hands on TARP so whoever is building anything these days is involved with TARP. BOA, AIG, GS, JPM.....Who do you think funds every Commercial Project?
meeting tonight 5/12/09

meeting tonight
Harbor Garage Project Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Division-Department: Economic Development - BRA
Description: Article 80B Large Project Review BRA Sponsored Public Meeting
Location: Marriott Long Wharf1 Long Wharf
Neighborhood: North End
Contact: Rodney Sinclair at (617)918-4349
Email: Rodney.Sinclair.BRA@cityofboston.gov
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Yikes, I can only imagine the opposition that's going to show up for this one.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Can't make it to this one...Bummer.

Take good notes, PaulC!
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Why does this fall under the North End neighborhood? Isn't it part of financial district where there is a bare minimum residential component? It's all very crazy.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I'd call it 'Waterfront'.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I can't make it either, neighborhood nominating committee tonight. I went to the Albany/Shawmut last week. You guys think you've seen nimbys, Chinatown has declared war against the city in that meeting.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Less opposition at last night's meeting than I had anticipated. A majority were for the project just not the design and density.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I'm not a fan of the bridge, do others think it's worth the fight to keep it?

Regarding height, can't he lower it to 400' for each and still make the numbers work? What are they proposed at, 700' or so?

If I were him, I would have proposed three towers with the middle one being taller so it would look as though he's giving Boston (and its mayor) the finger ... which he is, isn't he? Ha, ha.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

This project has a chance. The city needs union jobs bad. If the developer has the financing then he might have a green light. It will probably all depend on the FAA about the Height.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I just about love the design as is.....I love the 'sky-frame'...such ornamentation would completely reinvent the Boston skyline....

The tower base could be modified but overall it's in the general ballpark....

I like the jutting cage-like glass off the ground but it should be more interactive with the Greenway.....it in fact might not be the best side for such a design. You also want to neutralize the terra-cotta at the ground level as much as possible.

The giant glass portal is also nice but it goes a little bit overboard and perhaps ends up being a bit too cold for a project that should be more sultry and organic.
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Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I really like the design myself. I think the height is fine.

Glad to hear that there a lot of support for this!
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

I'm absolutely stunned that there was more support than opposition for this! We have crushed the will of the enemy! CHHHHAAAAARRRRRRGGGGEEEEEEE!
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Where can I find the design/renderings/drawings? Thanks.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

While I'm not a fan of the arch at all, I think it's remarkable that there wasn't a bunch of Debbie Downers at this meeting trying to shoot this project down. The fact that there was actually more support than opposition floors me. I still don't think this gets done because of the cat fight going on with Mumbles and Chiofaro and everyone knows Tommy runs shit.
Re: New tower at Aquarium parking garage.

Where can I find the design/renderings/drawings? Thanks.

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