Assembly Square Infill and Small Developments | Somerville

It is, but I get the contrarian comment (think Michael Felger). Making arguments in the face of overwhelming evidence to the opposite, or constantly championing a suburban sprawl mindset for carcentric developments that do not belong within 2+ miles of the downtown core, can get on the nerves. I play devil's advocate a lot myself, so sometimes I get it. Sometimes it's just silly.

But, Westy can and does bring some good points and historical references, if not always in the right thread or pertaining to the current conversation.
Partners has brought a bit of a lunch crowd in during the week, other than that the FOUR THOUSAND!!1!!OMG people have had no real effect. The orange line is, unquestionably, what has lead to the runaway success of Assembly Row, with the easy on-easy off access to 93 a close second.

Now, the two floors of retail going into the base of the Partners building will add an additional draw that will continue to draw people in.
I found a render of the public space between block 7 and block 8. It also shows a glance of the block 8 plans.


There are also a few new renders of the condo building currently under construction.



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I was really surprised to see the apartment building steel going up, straddling over the new parking garage. I had no idea that was happening, and it is much taller than anything I expected. I thought everything would be pretty much the same height except for Partners'.
Catching up on the discussion a bit, I think you guys are arguing chickens and eggs a bit. The pioneer tenants were certainly anticipating an eventual full build out whichever the other eventual tenants were going to be. A bit of faith, a bit of speculation, to be in the first phase. Sure it was phased in a way that it could have been self sustaining, but ultimately much more prosperous and sustainable when you have full build out.
Parking is $35-65k per space + $45/mo condo fee.

Jesus 65k for a parking space in this part of Somerville. It certainly makes the big box stores across the street look dated.
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1 beds start @ $640k
2 beds start @ $850k

Parking is $35-65k per space + $45/mo condo fee.

Wow that is pricey: rather buy a 2 family home in Medford or Malden for those #'s. I like the area but that's too expensive
Is solar going on the roof of the Partners Garage?

Yep. The panels will generate 1.0 Megawatt of electricity, representing 30% of the peak electrical load of the building. The project should be completed by October/November. After the solar panels are installed and the crane is no longer on the premises, Partners will begin construction of the child care center which will be located between the west and south entrances to the garage.
Are they planning on hanging decorative panels on the outside of the garage. Nothing looks worse than a hulking concrete parking garage. The one right off the SE Expressway is the worst! Seriously, spend a few bucks to make the damn thing presentable. MassPort did a super job on the new garage addition at Logan.
It is, but I get the contrarian comment (think Michael Felger). Making arguments in the face of overwhelming evidence to the opposite, or constantly championing a suburban sprawl mindset for carcentric developments that do not belong within 2+ miles of the downtown core, can get on the nerves. I play devil's advocate a lot myself, so sometimes I get it. Sometimes it's just silly.

But, Westy can and does bring some good points and historical references, if not always in the right thread or pertaining to the current conversation.

Seamus -- when have I ever championed a suburban-style development in the midst of the city?

What I always champion is Freedom -- as in the good ol USA [oops Colin K better cover his eyes] -- I'm all in for the freedom to try and fail that gave us the Greatest Country in the history of humanity -- and the necessity to continue to do so to maintain its Greatness.

What I hate with a passion is officious bureaucrats who think that having some advanced degree in City Planning makes them into the next Pierre L'enfant, or having some course work in landscaping and a list of plants makes them the 2nd coming of Olmstead

Boston [in the Greater Sense] is all about innovation -- you should win Boston through the force of your argument not by passing stupid laws and burdensome regulations or by having 'friends in high or low places" to do your dirty work

If that is Contrarian to the majority of the AB Forum posters -- well sobeit
Yep. The panels will generate 1.0 Megawatt of electricity, representing 30% of the peak electrical load of the building. The project should be completed by October/November. After the solar panels are installed and the crane is no longer on the premises, Partners will begin construction of the child care center which will be located between the west and south entrances to the garage.

AssembyMoe -- Is that nameplate or actually some measure of real performance

The basic problem with a solar array -- unless its steerable is that it only gets whatever the peak rating is when the sun is directly in line and perpendicular to the array face -- and of course a nice clear blue sky

The falloff is not too steep with angle [time / calendar] as long as you are close to "local noon" but it becomes precipitous when you get to low angles

In practice that means essentially nothing is generated on the Cold Clear New England mornings after a storm in January / February and not nearly as much as you think on the hot Summer Afternoons. These are less of concern for a commercial building which has one shift from 9AM to 5PM -- but it can be much more problematical for a residential complex
Are they planning on hanging decorative panels on the outside of the garage. Nothing looks worse than a hulking concrete parking garage. The one right off the SE Expressway is the worst! Seriously, spend a few bucks to make the damn thing presentable. MassPort did a super job on the new garage addition at Logan.

C'mon! I see a subtle vertical orange detail on part of the garage! I think that's the best we're gonna get... if there was going to be more elaborate paneling, we'd probably see the mounts already being installed. And I wouldn't mind a treatment like the Channel Center Garage here (or any newly built parking garage)
