Best Development Proposal Nominations


Not a Brahmin
Staff member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
All members are encouraged to nominate an active proposal for a building site in the Boston area that is not yet under construction that they believe could make the biggest positive impact on the built environment.
I nominate Nubian Square Ascends (AKA the Blair Lot, Roxbury). In a year we've seen countless lab/R&D Office space proposals, this was easily probably the most surprising, original, and exciting design I read through all of last year.
I definitely did this six months ago, but Cambridgeside:


10-30 Prospect St, Somerville:


Hot off the presses - Massport Parcel H:


In honor of their formal approval - Northland Newton:


...and Riverside Station:

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While Don Chiafaro's plans to redevelop the harbor garage have been cooking for awhile (the original harbor garage thread was started in 2006), we were not blessed with a name or designs for the Pinnacle at Central Wharf until Jan 2020. In my opinion, the obvious winner.

View attachment 9873

Hard disagree. This is the one view where it looks good--it's just too fat and the space around is it is so compromised.
Hard disagree.

I should’ve included this in my original post:

While I’m quite happy with the current design, I too would have preferred a slimmer tower here. However, the zoning of the site meant the developer was always going to be maximizing square footage on the 50% of the parcel they’re allowed to build on. Something sleeker wasn’t in the cards.

Similar to our 2019 Completed Development winner, Hub on Causeway, where I and many others have design quibbles, those concerns are far outweighed by how drastic of an improvement it is over the existing conditions.
Well in the case of One Kenmore Sq, it already took home 2nd place last year

I think this category should only include proposals from this year (2020). But just my take.
Ideally they'd be proposals from the past year that aren't yet under construction, yes.
