Biking in Boston

I answered before, but will do so again. State gas taxes can be used for roads other than just state highways.

You did answer before and then I pointed out that in Arlington state gas taxes contribute about 15% of the street maintenance. That smells like a subsidy. But it's OK because you enjoy driving a car.
Stumbled upon a site called Spinlister today. It is "a marketplace that lets you find the best bikes to rent online, whether from individuals or existing bike rental shops. Just type where you'd like to ride and Spinlister gives you the best bike rental options for that location. We connect you with awesome people and great bikes from around the world." Currently in beta in NY and SF. Seems like something that Boston would be included in eventually.

With bike theft so common I don't know if I would ever let somebody borrow my bike. Combined with flat tires, dangerous drivers, etc I'm not sure if a bike rental system works like it does for cars a la ZipCar.

So bike share in NYC was delayed from the July launch to "maybe August" and they havent even started selling memberships yet.

Doesn't bode well for the Boston expansion plans if the manufacturer can't get their shit together.

One of the big problems with city's going "we'll have the system they're having!" is that all the eggs are in one basket.

One kink in montreal, and suddenly boston, ds, nyc, london, montreal, toronto etc see their expansion halted.
The first three Hubway stations will be installed in Somerville starting next week, and there will be an official ceremony on August 8 (as well as a similar ceremony in Cambridge the same day).
The first three Hubway stations will be installed in Somerville starting next week, and there will be an official ceremony on August 8 (as well as a similar ceremony in Cambridge the same day).

Good to hear.
Somerville has ordered 12 stations, according to, but we don't know how long it will take to install the remaining ones. They need to be installed in order from east to west, to connect to the existing system, so it may be a while before they get to Davis Square.
Malden appears to be interest in Hubway drifting further up the Orange Line. Melrose is too. Wonder if they're going to continue to expand their borders or if they'd open a disconnected lump. I would think it would be easier to just target the welcoming cities first, and then fill in the cities that are hesitant/unaware.
Any word about brookline?

They are planning stations at Town Hall plaza, Coolidge Corner and near the Brookline Village T stop.

I was in Coolidge Corner recently and saw some DPW workers widening a path along the median west of the Coolidge Corner inbound platform, and they said it was for the Hubway station, so that leads me to believe things are progressing well in Brookline.
Somerville has ordered 12 stations, according to, but we don't know how long it will take to install the remaining ones. They need to be installed in order from east to west, to connect to the existing system, so it may be a while before they get to Davis Square.

The installation itself takes only a couple of hours.

All twelve could be installed in 3 days if the locations are approved and the manufacturer delivers the equipment.
and the manufacturer delivers the equipment.

I'm pretty sure this is the gating factor. Somerville has approved the Hubway installation months ago.
Not sure if this thread is intended only for discussion of the hubway system or not. Wanted to pass along this Boston bicycling blog: Some interesting posts from a local lawyer specializing in bicycle law (sounds like a good Law & Order spin-off).
Not sure if this thread is intended only for discussion of the hubway system or not. Wanted to pass along this Boston bicycling blog: Some interesting posts from a local lawyer specializing in bicycle law (sounds like a good Law & Order spin-off).

This thread is for everything related to bikes, not just hubway. Hubway has just dominated the talk the last few weeks.
Finally, this far along in the process you think they would publish a map for cambridge... is there a rationale to their secrecy? The only one I can see is that if they publish it and get pushback they may have to move it. Perhaps they are following a better ask forgiveness than permission plan (which may be for the best in cambridge).
They may be waiting for the official kick-off on August 8, or just for a few more stations to get installed.
Finally, this far along in the process you think they would publish a map for cambridge... is there a rationale to their secrecy? The only one I can see is that if they publish it and get pushback they may have to move it. Perhaps they are following a better ask forgiveness than permission plan (which may be for the best in cambridge).

The website shows those four stations as active

The Harvard square stations are oddly small.
is it active yet, and just all the bikes are gone? I just renewed my membership on the news (it expired tomorrow anyway.)
