Someone on reddit from Boston said this came in the mail with his excise tax, relevant to bicycling in Boston:

I wish the brochure indicated that cyclists are permitted in the full lane at any time, anywhere (except limited access highways), even with the presence of a bike lane. This is a concept most drivers are lost on.
I think the issue is when drivers want to pass and bicyclists don't give them room to. That's pretty infuriating, and cyclists need to learn to keep right.
For the record, it is illegal, though: M.G.L. Ch. 89 Sec. 2: "if the way is of sufficient width for the two vehicles to pass, the driver of the leading one shall not unnecessarily obstruct the other".
I found a cycle track yesterday. Apparently they put one on Dalton Street. (from Belvedere to Boylston)
Yep. I ride it everyday. All 200 feet of it! LOL
Yep. I ride it everyday. All 200 feet of it! LOL
Boylston Street in the Back Bay will be dropping a travel lane for a cycle-track, some dedicated loading zones, and curb extensions in the near future. The current and projected traffic volume doesn't warrant maintaining three travel lanes.
Boylston Street in the Back Bay will be dropping a travel lane for a cycle-track, some dedicated loading zones, and curb extensions in the near future. The current and projected traffic volume doesn't warrant maintaining three travel lanes.
Boylston Street in the Back Bay will be dropping a travel lane for a cycle-track, some dedicated loading zones, and curb extensions in the near future. The current and projected traffic volume doesn't warrant maintaining three travel lanes.