Oh, FFS. Last response on this inanity.
I am not naming names about private conversations in a pseudo anonymous online discussion board. They don't even name names in most Boston Globe articles when they name unnamed sources... You are wasting time and diverting the discussion away from discussion of actual constructive solutions with baseless insinuations.
But if it's as pervasive as you say, there would be a paper trail. You're not even attempting to do that.
F-Line didn't even know that Seth Moulton doesn't represent Revere when somehow citing his support as evidence of lack of opposition in Revere.
Moulton represents
LYNN. His comments about BLX were about
LYNN, not Revere. Since BLX must exit Revere to reach Lynn, if Revere had an objection there would've been some sort of publicly recorded response from them.
You're sprouting non-sequiturs as a thread-derail, and damn well know it.
You name names. Tell me the names of elected officials in Revere that support F-Lines suggested route. Vaguely supporting some hypothetical Blue Line extension doesn't count. Especially when the city has been regularly allowing people to build on the right of way past Wonderland Station. That to me alone should be proof enough of intent. We aren't talking about some rumors of opposition here, the local elected government is literally working with landowners to physically block the way.
MY route? I'm sorry...the state has long-preferred the Eastern Route bolt-on because of the encroachment in Point of Pines.
Screencap from the 2003 PMT:
only open question about their preferred routing, and the only such point I addressed in my post is: what's the most feasible jump-over point from Wonderland to the Eastern Route. Diamond Creek (Option 1 jump-over) has EIS'ing issues which may force Oak Island (Option 2 jump-over) as path of least resistance.
That is the only consideration I laid out, and all I outlined was the what-if if it had to be Oak Island. Obviously they haven't even done a DEIS about Diamond Creek or Oak I, so we don't know enough to yet to say.
You, apparently, either can't be arsed to read that or have a real jones this weekend for putting words in other people's mouths.
F-Line suggesting the Point of Pines route is just plain ignorant and I was being polite up until he called me a troll and implied I was lying about having had conversations confirming the opposition from Revere.
This would be a lie, because I never said that. But you knew that, so
Saying that the lack of movement on BLX to Lynn is because of lack of advocacy in Lynn and points North without acknowledgement of Revere's opposition is plain ignorant.
And your continued refusals to say what that opposition is, other than inventing some fantasyland where this discussion is advocating for the PoP routing...is being ignorant and insincere.
I acknowledge that cost is a major factor, but until you even nail down a route that can garner support from Revere then cost isn't even your first hurdle.
And when you base this on rebuttal to a completely make-believe discussion about Point of Pines route advocacy, your own threadshitting is the #1 hurdle to us continuing to talk about the various issues.
Maybe you can cut through Butler Circle and relocate Wonderland station, maybe make Wonderland a combined Blue/CR station supporting a development at the old dog track, maybe you can cut over through the wetlands just past the station and make some other political and wetlands remediations. Those are the discussions that need to happen... First and foremost with and in Revere.
Which was exactly the whole point of this discussion. But then you lied about this discussion being about Point of Pines advocacy, cited a monolithic opposition to the routing no one was talking about to begin with, picked nits with non-sequiturs factoids nobody invoked...like who Seth Moulton was and was not talking about..., refused to name any
publicly available evidence of said opposition, and then resorted to picking fights with other posters.
So why should any of us assume this pattern of behavior is anything other than the exact kind of trolling you developed quite the reputation for dumping all over the B24 thread and couple other recent threads?