Boston College Master Plan

Since when did BC acquire Mt. Ida? And, Messina is on the former Pine Manor campus, not Mt. Ida.
right here, but considering the mess Pine Manor was in before BC bought it, it's possible Mt. Ida had a satellite campus
Hidden in the 7/12/24 Catholic Religious Archives Amendment:

"The University is currently in the planning process for the renovation of the former Mt. Alvernia High School and the relocation of BC's graduate school of social work on the Newton East Campus."

Wonder if that leaves McGuinn open for future demo or renovation... Hopefully the former.
McGuinn is bad but somehow is an improvement over Carney and McElroy. If those two are not going down then why would McGuinn? BC has made some good choices regarding campus construction -- and some god-awful ones. Why students and the BC community have to be continuously subjected to the outright ugliness of certain buildings, especially when contrasted against some very fine ones is beyond my understanding in light of BC's ample resources. "Oxford on the Hill" indeed!
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^^^From the proposed amendment to the IMP for the religious library addition along Lake St. << Size of the proposed addition has tripled, from 14,000 sq ft to 45,000 sq ft.

The yellow-colored buildings are new construction. I cannot find the locations of projects numbered 500 and 501. Smith wing is part of the law school.
I cannot find the locations of projects numbered 500 and 501. Smith wing is part of the law school.
They're both on Newton Campus. Law school renovation, and replacement for the athletic hut by the fields.
Hidden in the 7/12/24 Catholic Religious Archives Amendment:

"The University is currently in the planning process for the renovation of the former Mt. Alvernia High School and the relocation of BC's graduate school of social work on the Newton East Campus."

Wonder if that leaves McGuinn open for future demo or renovation... Hopefully the former.
Thanks for this. Current sketch of the new archives building is slightly nicer than last year’s sketches.

McGuinn is bad but somehow is an improvement over Carney and McElroy. If those two are not going down then why would McGuinn? BC has made some good choices regarding campus construction -- and some god-awful ones. Why students and the BC community have to be continuously subjected to the outright ugliness of certain buildings, especially when contrasted against some very fine ones is beyond my understanding in light of BC's ample resources. "Oxford on the Hill" indeed!
BC’s middle campus architecture just reflects its history as an institution. When it was truly just a local college, they built slowly but very nicely for what they needed - that got Gasson, St. Mary’s, Devlin and Bapst. But it took all their resources to get it (they had planned to build a church and gymnasium at the same time on Linden Lane, but they badly miscalculated the money they raised and could only build those 4, then the Great Depression hit). That’s all they had there from 1913 through 1945 (plus the playing fields), but they really didn’t need more than that. After WWII their enrollment skyrocketed and they had added the business, education, law and nursing schools, and they literally ran out of room for classes. With an exponential increase in students they needed an exponential increase in buildings, so built on the cheap over a 25 year period to accomplish it — and it still almost bankrupted them!

I want those cheap buildings gone too as much as anyone, but while it seems like BC has ample resources, much of the endowment is earmarked toward other things, and new quality buildings will eat into monetary resources quickly. But they have been upgrading them — just very slowly over the last 40 years. I think they’ve done a really nice job refurbishing Fulton and Higgins from two of the ugliest buildings on middle campus to two of the best, and Lyons (the nicest looking of the cheap buildings) was refurbished decently well too. Stokes is a photographer’s dream, and 245 Beacon looks good for what it is. Only McElroy, Carney, McGuinn and Campion remain on middle campus from that lost 25 year period (and only the mods on Lower). I expect (or hope) they’ll all be addressed in some way in the next master plan depending on what’s needed. Either complete renovations or tear downs.
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Speaking of the "Mods", I fail to see the infatuation students and alumni alike have shown for that abysmal conglomeration. Yes, students, who have yet to reach maturity, may well 'love' them, but when those in charge of the university -- who are adults, after all -- see nothing wrong with keeping them for who knows how long (they were supposed to be "temporary"), then one must question their judgement as well. When will this 'chain-link fence mentality' finally wither and die at BC?

Catholic Religious Archives at BC Now Approved​

“As part of the approval of the 2023-2025 IMP for Boston College, this project will be an addition to the existing Theology and Ministry Library on the Brighton campus known as the Catholic Religious Archives. This building will store collections, artwork, and cultural artifacts.”

bc archives
Father Jack selected to replace Father Leahy as university president.

Will be interesting to see what this means for the current and next master plan to have someone with more athletics support at the helm.
Father Jack selected to replace Father Leahy as university president.

Will be interesting to see what this means for the current and next master plan to have someone with more athletics support at the helm.
They've been pushing off the McElroy replacement question for a long time. There's no easy solution that won't disrupt the main campus for the duration of whichever option they choose. They're going to have to make a hard call and when they do it will consume a lot of their development resources (both human and financial).
Will be interesting to see what this means for the current and next master plan to have someone with more athletics support at the helm.

At some point, BC is going to face some tough questions about the future of the football program. It consumes a tremendous amount of prime real estate on the campus that might be better allocated to other functions like student housing or classroom/lab buildings.
At some point, BC is going to face some tough questions about the future of the football program. It consumes a tremendous amount of prime real estate on the campus that might be better allocated to other functions like student housing or classroom/lab buildings.
I mean, they'll build on the Seminary lands way before they pull a "University of Pittsburgh" and move the football team to a stadium that requires bussing students to reuse the footprint for other purposes.
